Published Accounts of Limited Companies - FLASH CARDS


A-Levels Accounting A2 Unit 3 (5 Published Accounts of Limited Companies) Flashcards on Published Accounts of Limited Companies - FLASH CARDS, created by Harshad Karia on 18/05/2014.
Harshad Karia
Flashcards by Harshad Karia, updated more than 1 year ago
Harshad Karia
Created by Harshad Karia over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Do Published Accounts of Limited Companies require notes for their financial statements? Yes
Which IAS says the notes are required with Financial statements? IAS 1
Why are notes required with financial statements? They provide detailed information regarding: • The basis of preparation used in the financial statements and the specific accounting policies used • Information required by international accounting standards that is not already included in the financial statements • Any additional information that is relevant to the understanding of the financial statements
What is the accounting policy on when there are changes in accounting policies? - Changes of accounting policies can only occur if the change is required by an accounting standard or if the change in results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant information - When there are changes in accounting policies, they are to be applied retrospectively. Any changes require the figure for equity and other figures from the income statement and balance sheet to be altered for previous financial statements
What is the accounting policy on accounting methods? - Specific accounting methods selected by the directors and followed by the company. E.g. Method of Depreciation
What is the main accounting policy? - Once adopted by a company, accounting policies are to be applied consistently for similar transactions - unless an accounting standard allows differing policies to be applied to categories of items
What is the accounting policy if there's a IAS and IFRS? If there's a IAS and IFRS then that policy must be applied, but if there is not then the managers of the company must use their judgement to provide information that is relevant and reliable
Why are accounting policies important to the user? Important to the user of published accounts as they enable the user to: • Understand the accounts • Rely on the accounts as being free from bias • Make comparisons with different companies • Make reliable decisions based on the information given
What has to be shown in the Balance Sheet of Limited Companies? • Property, Plant and Equipment • Investment Property • Intangible Assets • Inventories • Trade and other Receivables • Cash & Cash Equivalents • Trade and other Payables • Tax Liabilities • Issued Capital and Reserves
Is Share Capital to be on Balance sheet? Yes
What is required to be shown in the Share Capital? • Number of shares authorised • Number of shares issued and fully paid, and issued but not fully paid • Par (or nominal) value
What are the current assets that need to be included in the balance sheet of Limited Companies? • Cash or Cash Equivalent • Those to be realised, sold or used within the normal operating cycle • Assets held for trading and expected to be realised within 12 months (The only current assets are, trade receivables, inventories and cash and Cash Equivalents)
What are the current Liabilities that need to be included in the balance sheet of Limited Companies? • Those expected to be settled within the normal operating cycle • Liabilities held for trading and expected to be settled within 12 months • Where the company does not have the right to defer payment beyond 12 months (The only current liabilities are, trade payables, tax liabilities and bank overdraft)
What Published Accounts are required to be produced by a Limited Company? - Annual Report and accounts - Statutory Accounts - Every limited Company whether public or private, is required by law to produce financial statements each year, which are also available for anyone to inspect if they so wish.
What are Statutory Accounts? - Those which are required to be produced under company law, and a copy of these is filed with the Register of Companies (Public companies are required to file their accounts within 6 Months of the end of their financial year)
What are the Annual Report and accounts? Available to every shareholder and contains the main elements of published accounts: • Income statement • Balance sheet • Cash flow statement • Statement of changes in equity • Notes to the financial statements, including a statement of the company’s accounting policies • Directors’ report • Auditors’ report
What does the Statement of Changes in Equity show? - Shows the changes that have taken place to the shareholders' stake in the company - not only the realised profit or loss from the income statement, but also unrealised profits (such as the gain on the upwards revaluation of property) which are taken directly to reserves
Is the Statement of Changes in Equity classes as one of the financial statements? Yes
What does the Cash Flow Statements show? - Shows an overall view of money flowing in and out during the accounting period
How should Expense be analysed for manufacturing companies and trading companies? Expenses must be analysed either by nature (raw materials, employee costs, Depreciation, etc) or by function (cost of sales, distribution expenses, sales and marketing expenses, administrative expenses, etc) - depending on which provided the more reliable and relevant information. The analysis by nature is often appropriate for manufacturing companies, while the analysis by function is commonly used by trading companies.
What is classed as Distribution expenses? • Warehouse costs • Post and packaging • Delivery drivers’ wages • Running costs of delivery vehicles • Depreciation of delivery vehicles Etc.
What is classed as Sales and marketing expenses? • Advertising costs • The salaries of sales people • The running costs of sales people’s cars • The cost of sales promotions Etc. - Certain items such as Revenue, Financial Costs and Tax Expense must be detailed on the face of the income statement
what is classed as Administrative Expenses? • Office costs • Rent and rates • Heating and lighting • Depreciation of office equipment Etc.
Who are the The Corporate Report: User Groups? Other users groups interested in the reports and accounts of companies: • The government and Government Agencies – Interested in the TAX and VAT due • The Public – Interested in the contribution of the company to the economy • Stock Market Analysts – Interested in the investment potential within the company, and whether the company’s share can be recommended to their investor clients • Pressure Groups, such as environmentalists – Interested in the company’s stance on social and environmental issues
Who are interested in the Corporate Reports? • Shareholders • Loan stock holders/debenture holders • Creditors (Trade Payables) • Managers and employees
What are Internal Use Accounts used for? - Internal use company accounts are not subject to regulation and do not need to be audited. They are only for internal use of the company's directors and managers. This means it can be presented in a form that suits the users - both in the format of the financial statements and also the level of detail provided
What does the term 'Regulatory framework of accounting' mean? Regulatory framework of accounting - containing the Company Acts and IAS's - that sets out the requirements for published accounts. The regulatory framework details the financial statements that are to be produced - E.g. Income Statements are in the same format, Balance Sheet use the same headings, notes to the accounts give the same level of information.
How is the 'Regulatory framework of accounting' useful? - This allowing comparison between 2 or more companies, even if they are from different sorts of business, to be compared
What are the Limitations of Published Accounts? - Published accounts are produced annually - the fortunes of the company could change quite considerably within such a time period - Public companies must file their statutory accounts with the Registrar of Companies within 6 months of the financial year end - this means that, by the time the information is available to users of the accounts, the accounts are out-of-date - The regulatory framework for accounting details the requirements for published accounts - invariably companies will not disclose additional information - Published accounts report on what has gone on in the past and give little indication of what will happen in the future - E.g. changing markets of the state of the economy which could impact on the performance of the business in the future - Published accounts cannot record aspects of the company which affect future performance - E.g. Quality of management, motivation of the workforce, product life cycles, environmental input, ethical considerations
What are the Responsibilities of Directors in terms of the Company Act 2006? - Directors general duty under the Companies Act 2006: • Act within their powers (normally derived from the company’s constitution, E.g. the Articles of Association) • Promote the success of the company • Exercise independent judgement • Exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence • Avoid conflicts of interest • Not accept benefits from third parties • Disclose an interest in any proposed transactions involving the company
What are the Responsibilities of Directors in terms of financial statements? Preparing the financial statements, which are then audited by external auditors, appointed by the shareholders of the company
What are the Responsibilities of Directors in terms of statutory accounts, Annual accounts & Directors' Report? - Ensure statutory accounts are produced and filed with the Registrar of Companies, for public inspection. - Annual accounts must be approved by the company's board of Directors and a copy of the Balance sheet filed with the Registrar of Companies must be sign by one of the directors on behalf of the board. - Directors much prepare a Directors' Report, this must be approved by the board and the copy to be filed with the Registrar of Companies must be signed on behalf of the board by a director (or the company secretary)
What are the Main Provisions of the Acts in terms of the company’s accounting records? - A company’s accounting records must: • Show and explain the companies transactions • Disclose with reasonable accuracy at the time the financial position of the company • Enable the directors to ensure that the company’s income statement and balance sheet give a true and fair view of the company’s financial position
What are the Main Provisions of the Acts in terms of the content of the company’s accounting records? - A company’s accounting records must contain: • Day-to-day entries of money received and paid, together with details of the transactions • A record of the company’s assets and liabilities • Details of inventories held at the end of the year
What are the Main Provisions of the Acts in terms of the company’s Financial statements? - A company’s financial statements must be prepare according with the Companies Acts and with either UK accounting standards or International Accounting standards; additionally, the companies listed on the stock exchange must comply with regulations of the stock exchange
What is the Main Provisions of the Acts for the director? - The director must report annually to the shareholders on the way that they have run the company on behalf of the shareholders
What must the Director's report include? • The principle activities of the company • A review of the activities of the company over the past year • Likely developments that will affect the company in the future, including research and development activity • Directors’ names and their shareholdings in the company • Proposed dividends • Any significant differences between the book value and market value of land and buildings • Political and charitable contributions • Actions taken on employee involvement and consultation • The companies policies on: 1) Employment of disabled people 2) Health and Safety at the work of employees 3) Payment of suppliers
How is Dividends dealt with in the Financial Statements? - Dividends is a payment to the shareholders of the company as a return on their investment
When is dividends paid? - Paid twice a year, Interim dividend, which is paid just over half way through the financial year, and final dividend, which is paid early in the next financial year - Final dividends is proposed by the Directors but it then has to be approved by shareholders at the annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company. - This process is finalised during the next financial year thus it is recorded not in the previous year but recorded in this year's financial statement
How are the dividends values decided? Interim dividend is based on the profits reported by the company during the first half of the year, while the final dividends is based on the profits reported for the full year
Where is the Auditors' Report report found? - Printed in the published accounts
When is an auditor appointed to check the accounts? - After the Directors have prepared the published accounts, the accounts must then be audited by external auditors appointed by the shareholders to check the accounts.
What is the 3 main sections of the Auditors' report? - Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditors - The report states that directors are responsible for preparing the accounts, while the auditors are responsible for forming an opinion on the accounts - Basic of Audit Options - the way in which the audit was conducted, other assessments, and the way in which the audit was planned and performed - Opinion - the auditors' view of the company's accounts
When is the opinion of the auditor 'unqualified'? The Opinion is ‘unqualified’ if the auditors are of the opinion that: • The financial statements have been prepared properly, and • They give a true and fair view of the company’s affairs in accordance with the company law and international financial reporting standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union, and • The information given in the directors’ report is consistent with the financial statements
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