Henry II - problems with the church - Edexcel


A level History Flashcards on Henry II - problems with the church - Edexcel, created by Poppy Hardman on 19/05/2017.
Poppy Hardman
Flashcards by Poppy Hardman, updated more than 1 year ago
Poppy Hardman
Created by Poppy Hardman over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Church courts church had own courts & law heard cases on anything clergy committed right for clergy to be tried called benefit of the clergy publication of Gratians Concordia -papal superiority over secular powers
overlapping jurisdictions deciding whether a case should be heard in church court or crown court church courts were more beneficial to clergy any fine in church court went to church so needed to establish which cases go where
churches attitude to moral offences church tried on issues e.g. marriage as it was free will & adultery, blasphemy, heresy no standardised system, very irregular persecution there were criminous clerks as they had privileged position in society churches attitude to morality was lax
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