Leaving Cert Physics mechanics definitions


Flashcards on Physics mechanics definitions, created by Aoife Clooney on 28/05/2017.
Aoife Clooney
Flashcards by Aoife Clooney, updated more than 1 year ago
Aoife Clooney
Created by Aoife Clooney over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
physical quantity A physical quantity is one that can be measured or calculated and expressed in numbers
scaler quantity A scaler quantity is one with magnitude only. It has no directional component
distance The distance between two points is a measure of how far one point is from the other
time Time is used to measure the duration of events to put them in sequence or to measure the interval between them
speed Speed is the distance travelled per unit time
vector quantity A vector quantity is one with both magnitude an direction
displacement Displacement is distance in a given direction
velocity Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time
acceleration Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time
mass Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in a body
momentum Momentum is the product of mass and velocity
force A force is that which can cause acceleration
acceleration due to gravity Acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration experienced by a body in free fall within the gravitational field of a massive body
weight Weight is a force equal to the product if mass and acceleration due to gravity
Centre of gravity Centre of gravity is the point at which the whole weight of the bidy appears to act
friction Friction is a force that opposes the motion of a body
moment of a force The moment of a force is the force multiplied by the perpendicular distance to the fulcrum
lever A lever is a rigid body that is free to rotate about a fixed axis
couple A couple is a pair of equal and opposite forces whose line of action fo not coincide
torque The torque of a couple is equal to the magnitude if one of the forces multiplied by the distance between them
density Density is mass per unit volume
pressure Pressure is force per unit area
buoyancy Buoyancy is the upward force on a body that is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid
work Work is the product of force and displacement
energy Energy is the ability to do work
kinetic energy Kinetic energy is the energy a body has due to its motion
potential energy Potential energy is the energy a body has due to its position or condition
power Power is the rate at which work is done
angle Angle measured in radians is equal to the arc length divided by the radius
angular velocity Angular velocity is the rate of change of angle
linear velocity Linear velocity is the speed of the particle in a direction perpendicular to the radius at that point
periodic time Periodic time is the time taken for one complete revolution cycle or oscillation
centripetal accleration Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration of an object travelling in uniform circular motion it is directed towards the centre of the circle
centripetal force Centripetal force is the force required to maintain uniform circular motion it is directed towards the centre of the circle
the elastic constant The elastic constant is the constant of proportionality between the applied force and the resulting displacement of a given spring
elasticity Elasticity is the ability of a body to resist a distorting influence or stress and to return to its original size and shape when the stress is removed
simple harmonic motion Simple harmonic motion is where the acceleration of a body towards a particular point is proportional to displacement from that point
amplitude Amplitude is the maximum distance that an object moves from its equilibrium position
frequency Frequency is the number of cycles or oscillations the object completes per unit time
period The period of a particle executing shm is the time taken for one complete oscillation
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