Passive Voice Exercises (Active to Passive - Passive to active)


Exercises intended to practice passive to active and active to passive transformation.
Jorge Cardoza
Flashcards by Jorge Cardoza, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Cardoza
Created by Jorge Cardoza over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Instructions: Change the sentences from active to passive. Include the "by phrase" only if necessary.
Alexander Fleming invented Penicillin. Penicillin was invented by Alexander Fleming.
Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook. Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
People grow coffee in Colombia. Coffee is grown in Colombia.
People speak Hebrew only in Israel. Hebrew is spoken only In Israel.
Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada founded Bogota. Bogota was founded by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada.
Obama´s mother raised Barack Obama in Hawaii. Barack Obama was raised in Hawaii.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
Sigmund Freud founded psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund.
Someone established the Red Cross in 1864. The Red Cross was established in 1864.
Somebody collects the garbage twice a week. The garbage is collected twice a week.
Instructions: Change the sentences from passive to active.
The window was broken by my brother. My brother broke the window.
Did the news surprise you? Were you surprised by the news?
The jogger was bitten by the dog. The dog bit the jogger.
The report was not written by Lesley. Lesley did not write the report.
The car car was not driven by anyone. Nobody drove the car.
Were you called by the Police? Did the police call you?
How much were you paid by the company? How much did the company pay you?
The store will not be opened by Sandy today. Sandy will not open the store today.
Smart phones are not produced by the company. The company does no produce smart phones.
The car was sold last year. Someone sold the car last year.
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