3.6.1: Setting human resource objectives


A level Business Studies (3.6: Decision making to improve human resource performance) Flashcards on 3.6.1: Setting human resource objectives, created by Ashleigh-Jade Jones on 02/06/2017.
Ashleigh-Jade Jones
Flashcards by Ashleigh-Jade Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashleigh-Jade Jones
Created by Ashleigh-Jade Jones over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Human Resources: the management of people in the workplace to assist the organisation to achieve its objectives
What Do The HR Department Do?: -measure performance and ensure jobs are carried out effectively -ensure staff are motivated and that the organisational structure can support the workforce -ensure good employer-employee relations so that work can be carried out efficiently
Typical HR Objectives: -employee engagement & involvement -talent development -training -diversity -alignment of values -number,skills and location of employees
Employee Engagement & Involvement: designed to ensure all employees are committed to the business' goals/values and will contribute to the success of the organisation *about IMPROVING performance and productivity by offering job satisfaction, organisational commitment and empowerment to employees BEHAVIOUR, ATTITUDE, OUTCOMES
Talent Development: TRAINING, EDUCATION, DEVELOPMENT -what training do they need to improve them for the future -what education would they need for future jobs (qualifications etc.) -linked to future roles that the employee might do (employee into a manager)
Training: help the organisation to achieve/succeed through the help of the employees Through: -new programmes for existing/new employees -most appropriate method of training/how to deliver it to employees
Diversity: -reflect the population in which they are selling which is usually globally -allows a business to enter new markets and find dynamic solutions to problems encountered as well as prepare for global markets -encourage new recruits from various backgrounds -retain employees through embracing and recognising cultural differences (not singling employees out)
Alignment of Values: Alignment = integrate different features of an organisation Values = essence of a business' identity -alligning values or organisational culture into every department of the business through the employees -hard to change as it is embedded when new recruits start
Number, Skills, and Location of Employees: -ensure there are sufficient number of employees recruited and trained for the business requirements -ensuring they are also in the correct location within the business and meeting the business needs
Purpose of HR: -make this aspect as efficient and effective as possible -meet demands of its customers -high-quality customer service
Internal Influences on HR Decisions/Objectives: -financial constraints (staff training can be expensive) -corporate culture (how important is HR within the business culture e.g. schools constantly training teachers) -organisational structure (flat or tall have different approaches to HR) -trade unions/employee relations (strong unions will affect how HR objectives are defined/achieved) -new technology (reduction in workforce or training) -overall performance of the business (expanding/contracting will affect employee requirements)
External Influences on HR Decisions/Objectives: -political factors (change in the government/government spending) -economic factors (being in recession will affect demand) -social factors (work-life balance means greater flexibility on working hours) -technological factors (increase training for new technology) -legislation (new employee related legislation e.g. leave for new fathers) -actions of competitors (shortage of skills and increased competition can force up salaries) -structure of the population (ageing population or more graduates could alter objectives)
Hard HR Strategy: -treats employees as a resource to be monitored/used efficiently in ordfer to achieve strategic objectives -autocratic leadership -mostly pay insensitive e.g. commission/bonuses Consequences for the business: -lacks creativity -less successful recruitment -higher absenteeism -lower staff morale
Soft HR Strategy: -treats employees as valuable assets, a major source of competitive advantages which is vital in achieving strategic objectives -will focus on culture, motivation and relations -democratic leadership style -motivational techniques through delegation, empowerment, communication and appraisal Consequences for the business: -competitive disadvantage due to the benefit costs -slower productivity
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