Service Oriented Architecture


Masters of Science Mobile App Flashcards on Service Oriented Architecture, created by Nathan Hunsdale on 23/05/2014.
Nathan Hunsdale
Flashcards by Nathan Hunsdale, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Hunsdale
Created by Nathan Hunsdale over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SOA: What is it? A software design methodology, based on structural collections of software modules (services) that collectively provide a complete functionality of a complex software application. ***modules working separately, then being joined together***
What is the Goal of SOA? To align the business world with the word of information technology in a way that makes both more effective
The 8 principles: 1) Standardized Service Contract 2) Service loose coupling 3) Service Abstraction 4) Service Re-usability 5) Service Autonomy 6) Service Statelessness 7) Service Discoverability 8) Service Composability
Standardised service contract What is it? Services adhere to a communication agreement
Service Loose Coupling What is it? Services maintain a relationship that minimizes dependency on each other
Service Abstraction What does it mean? Services hide logic from the outside world
Service Reusability What does it mean? Logic is divided into services with the intention of promoting reuse
Service Autonomy What does it mean? Services have control over the logic they encapsulate
Service Statelessness What does it mean? Services minimize resource consumption by deferring the management of state information
Service Discoverability What does it mean? Services are supplemented with communicative meta-data to increase service reuse
Service Composability What will be the consequences of this? Services are effective composition participants
SOA Lifecycle What it is... 1) Model 2) Assemble 3) Deploy 4) Manage
SOA Lifecycle Model - Decribe - A process of capturing the business design from an understanding of business requirement and objectives, and translating that into a specification of business process, goals and assumptions - Require key performance indicators to measure the business performance
SOA Lifecycle Assemble - Describe Apply the set of policies and conditions to control how the application operate in a specific environment - Business and government regulations - Packaging, localisation constraints - Resource dependency - Integrity control - Access protection
SOA Lifecycle Deploy - Describe A combination of creating the hosting environment for an application and the actual deployment of the application
SOA Lifecycle Manage - Describe To maintain the operational environment and the policies used in the assembly of the SOA applications
Logical Architecture Model MEMORIZE THIS!
Interaction Services What is it? Components that can be used to support the interaction between applications and end-users
Process Services What is this? Various forms of compositional logic, e.g. business process flows and business state machine
Business Application Services What does this implement? To implement the core business logic
Information Services What do they contain? Contains the data logic of the business design - Surface level: it provides access to the persistent data of a business - Deeper level: has sub-architecture of managing the flow of data across the organisation – data composition and flow
Access Services What does this mean? To integrate legacy applications and functions into the service oriented architecture
Partner Services What does this mean? To capture the semantics of partner interoperability that have a direct representation in the business design
The supporting elements of Logic Architecture Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) What does this do? - Makes the use of services wherever they are needed - Hosts mediations – logic that may perform message transformation etc. to enable the interconnectivity of services
The supporting elements of Logic Architecture Business Innovation and Optimization Services How is this achieved and what do they help define? - This is achieved by capturing the business design and then improving it through refinement and metrics analysis - These services help define key performance indicators
The supporting elements of Logic Architecture Development Services What does this consist of? Consisting of: - Architecture tools - Development tools - Visual compositional tools - Assembly tools - Debugging aids - Asset repositories - Discovery agents
The supporting elements of Logic Architecture IT Service Management What does this do? Representing the set of management tools used to monitor: - The service flows - The health of underlying systems - The utilisation of resources - The identification of outrages and bottlenecks - The attainment of services goals - The enforcement of administration policies - Recovery from failures
The supporting elements of Logic Architecture Infrastructure Services What does this do? - Provide efficient utilisation of resources - Ensure integrity of the operational environment - Balance workload - Isolate work for avoiding interference - Perform maintenance - Secure access to confidential business processes/data - Simplify administration of the system
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