

6 cards
Ella Middlemiss
Flashcards by Ella Middlemiss, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Middlemiss
Created by Ella Middlemiss over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Unstructured interview not use any set questions but just have general areas for the interviewer to cover
Semi-structured interview only some of the questions are set and the interviewer also has the freedom to explore issues in order to extend answers
Structured interview the same questions in the same format will be asked to each ppt
Strengths of interviews Can gather more personal, in-depth data. Can be standardised and repeated with a structured interview. More qualitative data. People more likely to talk than write (compared to questionnaires).
Weaknesses of interviews Hard to gather quantitative data and analyse. Interviewees may feel uncomfortable - social desirability bias. Subjective as interviewer needs to interpret data.
Examples of interviews within clinical psychology Vallentine et al (2010) Becker et al (2002) Dimitripoulos et al (2015)
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