Rossetti Critical Quotes


A-Level English literature Flashcards on Rossetti Critical Quotes, created by Ellie Hope on 12/06/2017.
Ellie Hope
Flashcards by Ellie Hope, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie Hope
Created by Ellie Hope over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
'Cherries are ‘unpecked’ as a reference to virginal innocence’ Ray Cluley
‘Despite these differences, the two are bound together’ Ray Cluley on Lizzie and Laura
‘A strength and passivity. She is a regendered Christ figure in suffering for her sister’ Ray Cluley on Lizzie
‘A woman seeking to establish a sexual identity before marriage is doomed’ Ray Cluley
‘Erotic readings of Goblin Market are our creations, not Christina’s’ Jan Marsh
‘There is for Laura no clear line between good and evil’ Jan Marsh
‘The poem remains essentially ambiguous’ Pamela Bickley
‘There is nothing meek or self-effacing in her demand for emotional fulfilment’ Pamela Bickley
‘The vivid strangeness of her imagery is compelling’ Pamela Bickley
‘Seeks rather to express express extreme moods and passions’ Pamela Bickley
‘The speakers of Rossetti’s poems repeatedly struggle with religious doubt’ Simon Avery
‘Rossetti had radically rewritten the fall of Eve in terms of social and spiritual abuse of women' Lynda Palazzo
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