AWS: Monitoring


AWS: Monitoring
Sarwesh Saurabh
Flashcards by Sarwesh Saurabh, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarwesh Saurabh
Created by Sarwesh Saurabh over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1:True of False: CloudTrail is a service that allows you to view resource level metics, and create alarms based on metric thresholds. False CloudWatch is a service that allows you to view resource level metics, and create alarms based on metric thresholds.
2: True or False: System Status Checks are software-related issues that we need to troubleshoot and fix. False Instance Status Check are software related issue that we need to troubleshoot and fix. System Status Checks are AWS hardware/software issues that we have no control over.
3: Why does stopping and starting an instance (usually) fix a System Status Check error? Unless you have dedicated tenancy enabled, stopping and starting an instance will generally cause it to be launched onto different AWS host hardware.
4: Which of the following CloudWatch EC2 metrics will require a custom script to enable? Custom scripts are needed to enable OS level monitoring of EC2 instances. Memory Utilization falls into that category, while CPU Credit Usage and Utilization does not (those are host level metrics).
5: True of False: CloudTrail is an API Logging service. True 6: CloudTrail can log API calls from? AWS is basically one big API call, so it does not matter if the API calls from the command line, SDK, or console, they are all logged by CloudTrail.
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