Religious Changes Under Edward VI


Flashcards on Religious Changes Under Edward VI, created by francessnowball on 27/05/2014.
Flashcards by francessnowball, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by francessnowball over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Act of 6 Articles Repealed Had brought back 7 sacraments Left the Church without an official doctrine
Treason Act revised Censorship lifted Upsurge in Prot. literature Increase in number of clergy preaching Protestant ideas
Chantries Act 1547 Motivated by financial necessity? Obvious extension of the dissolution of the monasteries Showed new gov. rejected Cath. idea of purgatory Contained ramble - rejecting prayers for the dead
Ban on Iconoclasm 1547 - Royal Injunction 1548 - ban on all images across country Forbade the veneration of images Eventually banned them Visitations pulled them down Opposition to the original order Most churches complied Though many only hid the images Waiting for a return to Catholicism
Book of Homilies 1547 Written by Cranmer Lutheran belief in faith alone Provided model sermons for clergy One placed in every church Opposition - Gardiner & Bonner (Winchester and London) Imprisoned for complaints made Some churches did not use the book
The First Act of Uniformity 1549 Act of Uniformity enforced the Prayer Book
The First Book of Common Prayer 1549 Set out the doctrine of the Church 1. Cautious wording - relatively moderate use of language Wording meant people could believe in real presence Hope this would achieve universal compliance Made a sign. step towards Protestantism Emphasised no sacrifice Elevation of the host forbidden Opposition - mostly from radical Prots. Thought it didn't go far enough Some trouble in the HoL 8 Bishops / 3 lay peers Passive resistance Priests mumbling words
Cranmer's ordinal 1550 Written by Cranmer Clear move away from Catholic priest to Protestant minister Rites of ordination - simplified Emphasis on role of cleric as a preacher Ceremony remained traditional
Removal of Altars 1550 Most visual signs of Protestantism removed Altar suggested sacrifice - implies real presence Replaced with tables Communion table in the nave No real presence of Christ Opposition - most contentious issues Tended to be as a result of local reformist clergy Some dissent in Sussex & Carmarthen Some only dismantled not removed for good
The removal of conservative clergy 1550 1. Gardiner & Bonner in Prison (due to Book of Homilies) 2. Reformers replaced them - Ridley took Bonners place in London - Hooper took over Gloucester 3. Examination of quality of clergy - they were inadequate over 1/2 could not recite the 10 commandments Motivating factor in 2nd prayer book 4. This allowed North. to seize more Church property - Combined London and Winchester churched - Allowed him to take possession of land - cement alliances
The Second Act of Uniformity 1552 Enforced the Second Prayer Book
Second Prayer Book 1552 Clarification of First Prayer Book More strongly Prot. Abandoned Mass Removed any suggestion of Transub. 'wording to in remembrance' Communion became Lords Supper Kneeling at Communion allowed Vestments replaced by surplice Opposition - from Radical Prots. Wanted it to go further Black Rubric remained Outcry from John Knox Due to kneeling at communion kneeling simply a show of humility Not the adoration of the host
The Forty-Two Articles 1553 Written by Cranmer New doctrine of the CofE Intended to protect against radical protestants and catholics Mixture of Lutheran and Calvinist teaching Sola fide Sola scriptura Also idea of predestination
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