

Jorge Ricardo Rosas Rodas
Flashcards by Jorge Ricardo Rosas Rodas , updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Ricardo Rosas Rodas
Created by Jorge Ricardo Rosas Rodas over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Agree Present:Agree Past:Agreed Past Participle: Agreed Spanish:Acordar
Fight Present:Fight Past:Fought Past Participle:Fought Spanish:Luchar
Ask Present:Ask Past:Asked PastParticiple:Asked Spanish: Preguntar
Be Present:Be Past:Was/Were Past Participle:Been Spanish:Ser/Estar
Become Present:Become Past:Became Past Participle:Become Spanih:Hacer
Begin Present:Begin Past:Began Past Participle:Begun Spanish:Empezar
Believe Present:Believe Past:Believed Past Participle:Believed Spanish:Creer
Break Present:Break Past:Broke Past Participle:Broken Spanish:Romper
Bring Present:Bring Past:Brought Past Participle:Brought Spanish:Traer
Forget Present:Forget Past:Forgot Past Participle:Forgotten Spanish:Olvidar
Buy Present:Buy Past:Brought Past Participle:Brought Spanihs:Comprar
Call Present:Call Past:Called Past Participle:Called Spanish:Llamar
Dance Present:Dance Past:Danced Past Participle: Danced Spanish:Bailar
Forgive Present:Forgive Past:Forgave Past Participle:Forgiven Spanish:Perdonar
Change Present:Change Past:Changed Past Participle:Changed Spanish:Cambiar
Choose Present:Choose Past:Chose Past Participle:Chosen Spanish:Escojer
Come Present:Come Past:Came Past Participle:Come Spanish:Venir
Like Present:Like Past:Liked Past Participle:Liked Spanish:Gustar
Continue Present:Continue Past:Continued Past Participle:Continued Spanish:Continuar
Listen Present:Listen Past:Listened Past Participle:Listened Spansh:Escuchar
Love Present:Love Past:Loved Past Participle:Loved Spanish:Amar
Need Present:Need Past:Needed Past Partiple:Needed Spanish:Nesecitar
Decide Present:Decide Past:Decided Past Participle:Decided Spanish:Decidir
Ride Present:Ride Past:Rode Past Participle:Riden Spanish:Montar
Sing Present:Sing Past:Sang Past Participle:Sung Spanish:Cantar
Do Present:Do Past:Did Past Participle:Done Spanish:Hacer
Draw Present:Draw Past:Drew Past Participle:Drawn Spanish:Dibujar
Eat Present:Eat Past:Ate Past Participle:Eaten Spanish:Comer
Explain Present:Explain Past:Explained Past Participle:Explained Spanish:Explicar
Sleep Present:Sleep Past:Sleept Past Participle:sleept Spanish:Dormir
Feel Present:Feel Past:Felt Past Participle:Felt Spanish:Sentir
Find Present:Find Past:Found Past Participle:Found Spanih:Encontrar
Follow Present:Follow Past:Followed Past Participle:Followed Spanish:Lograr
Get Present:Get Past:Got Past Participle:Gotten Spanish:Obtener
Give Present:Give Past:Gave Past Participle:Given Spanish:Dar
Go Present:Go Past:Went Past Participle:Gone Spanish:ir
Cry Present:Cry Past:Cried Past Participle:Cried Spanish:Llorar
Happen Present:Happen Pats:Happened Past Participle:Happened Spanish:Ocurrir
Have Present:Have Past:Had Past Participle:Had Spanish:Tener
Hear Present:Hear Past:Heard Past Participle:Heard Spanish:Oir
Help Present:Help Past:Helped Past Participle:Helped Spanish:Ayudar
Smile Present:Smile Past:Smiled Past participle:Smiled Spanish:sonrreir
Hope Present:Hope Past:Hoped Past Participle:Hoped Spanish:Esperanza
Speak Present:Speak Past:Spoke Past Participle:Spoken Spanish:Hablar
Keep Present:Neep Past:Kept Past Participle:Kept Spanish:Guardar
Steal Present:Steal Past:Stole Past Participle:Stolen Spanish:Robar
Know Present:Know Past:Knew Past Participle:Known Spanish:Saber
study Present:Study Past:Studyod Past Participple:Studyed Spanish:Estudiar
Learn Present:Learn Past:Learned Past Participle:Learned Spanish:Aprender
Live Present:Live Past:Lived Past Participle:Lived Spanish:Querer
Leave Present:Leave Past:Left Past Participle:Left Spanish:Permitir
Let Present:Let Past:Let Past Participle:Let Spanish:Dejar
Lose Present:Lose Past:Lost Past Participle:Lost Spanish:Perder
Make Present:Make Past:Made Past Participle:Made Spanish:Hacer
Swim Present:Swim Past:Swam Past Participle:Swum Spanish:Nadar
Write Present:Write Past:Wrote Past Participle:Written Spanish:Escrivir
Move Present:Move Past:Moved Past Participle:Moved Spanish:Mover
Need Present:Need Past:Needed Past Participle:Needed Spanish:Nesecitar
Drink Present:Drink Past:Drank Past Participle:Drunk Spanish:Beber
Open Present:Open Past:Opened Past Participle:Opened Spanish:Abrir
Talk Present:Talk Past:Talked Past Participle:Talked Sapnish:Conversar
Pay Present:Pay Past:Payd Past Participle:Payd Spanish:Pagar
Play Present:Play Past:Played Past Participle:Played Spanish:Jugar
Produce Present:Produce Past:Produced Past Participle:Produced Spanish:Producir
Put Present:Put Past:Put Past Participle:Put Spanish:Poner
Raise Present:Raise Past:Rose Past Participle:Risen Spanish:Aumentar
Reach Present:Reach Past:Reached Past Participle:Reached Spanish:Alcanzar
Read Present:Read Past:Read Past Participle:Read Spanish:Leer
Receive Present:Receive Past:Received Past Participle:Received Spanish:Recivir
Remenber Present:Remenber Pats:Remenbered Past Participle:Remenbered Spanish:Recordar
Return Present:Return Past:Returned Past Participle:Returned Spanish:Regresar
Run Present:Run Past:Run Past Participle:Run Spanish:Correr
Say Present:Say Past:Sayd Past Participle:Sayd Spanish:Decidir
See Present:See Past:Saw Past Partiple:Seen Spanish:Mirar
Seem Present:Seem Past:Seemed Past Participle:Seemed spanish:Parecer
Sell Present:Sell Past:Sold Past Participle:Sold Spanish:Vender
Send Present:Send Past:Sent Past Participle:Sent Spanish:Enviar
Wear Present:Wear Past:Wore Past Participle:Worn Spanish:Vestir
Set Present:Set Past:Set Past Perfect:Set
Show Present:Show Past:Showed Past Participle:Shown Spanish:Mostrar
Sit Present:Sit Past:Sat Past Perfect:Sat Sapanish:Sentar
Speak Present:Speak Past:Spoke Past Perfect:Spoken Spanksh:Hablar
Spend Present:Spend Past:Stend Past Participle:Sient Spanish:Gastar
Stand Present:Stand Past:Stood Past Perfect:Stood Spanish:parar
Stay Present:Stay Past:Stayed Past Participle:Stayed Spanish:Permanecer
Stop Present:Stop Past:Stoped Past Participle:Stoped Spanish:Detener
Support Present:suport Past:Supplrted Past Participle:Supported Spanish:Apoyar
Take Present:Take Pats:Took Pats Perfect:Taken Spanish:Tomar
Teach Present:Teach Past:Taught Past Participle:Taught Spanish:Enseñar
Tell present:Tell Past:Told PastParticiple:Told Sñanish:Contar
Think Present:Tink Past:Thought Past Participle:Thought Spanih:Pensar
Try Present:Try Past:Tried Past Participle:Tried Spanish:Tratar
Understand Present:Undertand Past:Understood past Participle:Understood Spanish:entender
Use Present:Use Past:Used Past Participle:Used Spanish:Usar
Walk Present:Walk Past:Walked Past Participle:Walked Spanish:Caminar
Want Present:Wuant Past:Wanted Past Participle:Wanted Spanish:Querer
Watch Present:Watch Past:Watched Past participle:Watched Spanish:Vigilar
Win Present:Wuin Past:Won Past Participle:Won Spanish:Ganar
Work Present:Work Past:Worked Past Participle:Worked Spanish:Trabajar
Meet Present:Meet Past:Met Past Participle:Met Spanish:Reunir
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