Phrasal verbs


Criado por Teacher Allie.
Luiz Pinto
Flashcards by Luiz Pinto, updated more than 1 year ago
Luiz Pinto
Created by Luiz Pinto over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ask ... out convidar para sair. Ex. Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.
ask around Fazer a mesma pergunta para várias pessoas. Ex. I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet.
add up to... Ser igual a Ex. Your purchases add up to $205.32.
back ... up Reverter Ex. You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out.
back ... up Apoiar Ex. My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.
blow up Explodir Ex. The racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence.
blow ... up Soprar Ex. We have to blow 50 ballons up for the party.
Break down Parar de funcionar (veículo ou máquina). Ex. Our car broke down ar the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
Break down Ficar chateado ou com raiva Ex. The woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.
Break ... down Dividir em partes menores. Ex. Our teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts.
Break in Forçar a entrada em algum local. Ex. Somebody broke in last night and stole our stereo.
break into ... Entrar à força. Ex. The firemen had to break into the room to rescue the children.
break ... in Vestir/ calçar algo, algumas vezes, para que não pareça novo. Ex. I need to break these shoes in before we run next week.
break in Interromper Ex. The TV station broke in to report the news of the president's death.
Break up Terminar um relacionamento Ex. My broyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.
Break up Começar a rir (informal) Ex. The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking.
Break out Escapar Ex. The prisioners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking.
Break out in ... Desenvolver uma doença de pele Ex. I broke out in a rash after our camping trip.
bring ... down Deixar triste Ex. This sad music is bringing me down.
bring ... up Educar uma criança. Ex. My grandparents brought me up after my parents died.
bring ... up Começar a falar sobre determinado assunto Ex. My mother walks out of the room when my father brings up sports.
bring ... up Vomitar Ex. He drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet.
call around Ligar para muitas pessoas/ lugares diferentes. Ex. We called around but we weren't able to find the car part we need.
call ... back Retornar uma ligação (ligar de volta). Ex. I called the company back but the offices were closed for the weekend.
call ... off Cancelar. Ex. Jason called the wedding off because he wasn't in love with his fiancé.
call on ... Pedir uma resposta ou opinião. Ex. The professor called on me for question 1.
call ... up Telefonar Ex. Give me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town.
calm down Relaxar, depois de estar bravo. Ex. You are still mad. You nedd to calm down before you drive the car.
not care for ... Não gostar de (formal) Ex. I don't care for his behaviour.
catch up chegar ao mesmo ponto que alguém Ex. You'll have to ru faster than that if you want to catch up with Marty.
check in Chegar e se registrar em um hotel ou aeroporto. Ex. We will get the hotel keys when we check in.
check out Sair de um hotel. Ex. You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM.
check ... out Olhar com atenção, investigar. Ex. The company checks out all new employees.
check out ... Olhar para (informal). Ex. Check out the crazy hair on that guy!
cheer up Ficar mais feliz. Ex. She cheered up when she heard the good news.
cheer ... up Deixar alguém feliz. Ex. I brought you some flowers to cheer you up.
chip in ajudar. Ex. If everyone chips in we can get the kitchen painted by noon.
clean ... up Arrumar, limpar. Ex. Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside.
come across ... Encontrar inesperadamente. Ex. I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet.
come apart separar. Ex. The top and bottom come apart if you pull hard enough.
come down with ... Ficar doente. Ex. My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend.
come forward ser voluntário para alguma tarefa ou prestar depoimento. Ex. The woman came forward with her husband's finger prints.
come from somewhere Ser originário de Ex. The art of origami comes from Asia.
count on someone/something Confiar. Ex. I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.
cross something out Desenhar uma linha (no sentido de riscar). Ex. Please cross out your old address and write your new one.
cut back on something Consumir menos Ex. My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.
cut something down Fazer algo cair no chão Ex. We had to cut the old tree in our yard down after the storm.
cut in interromper. Ex. Your father cut in while I was dancing with your uncle.
cut in Se manter na frente de outro veículo Ex. The bus driver got angry when that car cut in.
cut in Começar a funcionar (um motor ou dispositivo elétrico Ex. The air conditioner cuts in the temperature gets to 22°C.
cut something off Deixar de fornecer. Ex. The phone comaony cut off our phone because we didn't pay the bill.
cut someone off Remover do testamento. Ex. My grandparents cut my father off when he remarried.
cut something out Remover parte de algo (geralmente usado para tesoura e papel). Ex. I cut this ad out of the newspaper.
Do someone/ something over. Bater, saquear (inglês britanico informal). Ex. He's lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street gang.
Do something over Fazer novamente ( inglês americano). Ex. My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesn't like my topic.
do away with something Descartar Ex. It's time to do away with all of these old tax records.
do something up Prender, fechar. Ex. Do your coat up before you go outside. It's snowing!
dress up vestir roupas legais. Ex. It's fancy restaurant so we have to dress up.
drop back voltar para uma posição/ grupo. Ex. Andrea dropped back to third place when she fell off her bike.
drop in/ by/ over Aparecer sem hora marcada. Ex. I might drop in/ by/ over for tea sometime this week.
Drop someone/ something off Levar alguém ou alguma coisa a algum lugar e deixar lá. Ex. I have to drop my soster off at work before I come over.
drop out Sair de uma sala, escola, etc. I dropped out of Science because it was too dificult.
eat out Comer em um restaurante. Ex. I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out.
end up Decidir fazer algo de última hora. Ex. We ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theatre.
fall apart Quebrar em pedaços. Ex. My new dress fell apart in the washing machine.
fall down Cair no chão. Ex. The picture that you hung up last night fell down this morning.
fall out Cair fora. Ex. The money must have fallen out of my pocket.
fall out Começae a cair (dentes e cabelos). Ex. His hair started to fall out when he was only 35.
figure something out Entender, encontrar a resposta. Ex. I need to figure out how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.
fill something in Preencher informações nos espaços em branco. ( inglês britanico ). Ex. Please fill in the form with your name, address, and phone number.
fill something out preencher informações nos espaços em branco (norte americano). Ex. The form must be filled out in capital letters.
fill something up preencher até o topo. Ex. I always fill the water jug up when it is empty.
find out Descobrir. Ex. We don't know where he lives. How can we find out?
find something out Descobrir. Ex. We tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but Samantha found it out.
get something across/ over Comunicar, se fazer entender. Ex. I tried to get my point across/ over to the judge but the she wouldn't listen.
get along/ on Gostar um do outro. Ex. I was surprised how well new girlfriend and sister got along/ on.
get around Ter mobilidade Ex. My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.
get away Sair de férias. Ex. We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.
get away with something Fazer algo sem ser punido. Ex. Jason always gets away with cheating in his maths tests.
get back Retornar. Ex. We got back from our vacation last week.
get something back Receber de volta algo que é seu. Ex. Liz finally got her Science notes back from my room-mate.
get back at someone retaliar, se vingar. Ex. My sister got back at me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat.
get back into something Ficar interessado em algo novamente. Ex. I finally got back into my novel and finished it.
get on something Embarcar em algum veículo. Ex. We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.
get over something. Se recuperar de uma doença, perda ou dificuldade. Ex. I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.
get over something Superar um problema. Ex. The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations.
get round to something Finalmente encontrar tempo para fazer algo (norte americano get around to) Ex. I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you cards.
get together encontrar (geralmente em ocasiões sociais). Ex. Let's get together for a BBQ this weekend.
get up sair da cama. Ex. I got up early today to study for my exam.
get up levantar-se. Ex. You should get up and give the elderly man your seat.
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