

Part of GCSE Graphics, adhesives
I Turner
Flashcards by I Turner, updated more than 1 year ago
I Turner
Created by I Turner over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are adhesives? Something used to join materials by glueing
What type of adhesive would be used for outdoors? A waterproof adhesive should be used
What is PVA? General purpose woodwork glue. Some PVA adhesives are water resistant.
What is synthetic resin? A strong water-resistant glue for woodwork. It needs to be mixed up immediately before use.
What is epoxy resin? For joining metals and plastics. It is waterproof but must be mixed up immediately before use.
What is contact adhesive? For joining polystyrene and fabrics. Also useful for fixing plastic laminates to a wooden base.
What is acrylic cement For the joining of acrylic and some other types of plastics. The adhesive "melts" the surface of the plastic and fuses it together.
What is tensol cement? It joins plastics together permanently. It is applied to the surfaces and they are pressed together. It clamped for 24 hours to give a permanent joint.
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