Physics 1 - EM Radiation and Quantum Phenomina


Flashcards on Physics 1 - EM Radiation and Quantum Phenomina, created by James Hamilton on 17/05/2013.
James Hamilton
Flashcards by James Hamilton, updated more than 1 year ago
James Hamilton
Created by James Hamilton over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Interference and diffraction show light... The photoelectric effect shows... De Broglie's... Wavelength = As a wave Light as a particle Wave-particle duality Planck's Constant / momentum
Electron diffraction shows... Wave nature of electrons
Max Ek of the photoelectrons increases as... Number of photoelectrons emitted is proportional to the... No electrons are emitted if... Frequency of radiation increases Intensity of the radiation The frequency is below the threshold
Photoelectric effect can't be described by wave theory of light because... (according to wave theory) 4 points Energy is proportional to the intensity Energy carried by the light would spread evenly over wavefront Each electron would gain a bit on energy Gradually all electrons could leave
When light hits the surface... If one collides with a free electron... Energy need to break electron bonds... The metal is bombarded by photons The electron gains energy equal to hf Work Function, value depends on the metal
If energy gained from photon > work function... Energy transferred to an electron is... The electron is emitted hf
Electrons in atoms exist in... N=1 represents the... Discrete energy levels Ground state
Fluorescent tubes use... To produce... The tubes contain... When electrons in the tube collide with free electrons... Excited electrons Light Mercury vapour They're excited to a higher energy level
When excited electrons return to their ground states... Photons absorbed by... they emit UV photons Phosphorus coating
Sining light on a metal... The light must be of a ... If enough energy is absorbed... This is called the... Releases electrons High enough frequency The bonds break & electron is released Photoelectric effect
Spectrum of white light is... Cool gasses remove... Continuous Certain wavelengths
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