Skull, Facial Bones, and Paranasal Sinuses


Radiologic Technology (Skull and Facial Bones) Flashcards on Skull, Facial Bones, and Paranasal Sinuses, created by Hannah Dodson on 19/07/2017.
Hannah Dodson
Flashcards by Hannah Dodson, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Dodson
Created by Hannah Dodson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
# of Cranial Bones 8
# of Facial Bones 14
Cranial Bones are divided into 2 groups: Calvaria Floor
Bones that compose the Calvaria Frontal Bone Occipital Bone Right Parietal Bone Left Parietal Bone
Bones that compose the Floor Ethmoid Bone Sphenoid Bone Right Temporal Bone Left Temporal Bone
Dilpoe Inner layer of spongy bone
Mesocephalic Skull Typical Skull 47 degrees
Brachycephalic skull Wider 54 degrees
Dolichocephalip Skull Narrower 40 degrees
Frontal Bone Articulates with: R&L Parietals Sphenoid Ethmoid
Occipital Bone Articulates with: R&L Parietals R&L Temporals Sphenoid Atlas (C1)
Right and Left Parietal Bones Articulate with: Opposite parietal at MSP Frontal Temporal Occipital Sphenoid
Sphenoid Bone Articulates with: 7 other cranial bones Zygoma
Temporal Bone Articulates with: Parietals Occipital Sphenoid
Ethmoid Bone Articulates with: Frontal Sphenoid
Coronal Suture Between Frontal and Parietal Bones
Sagittal Suture Top of head between Parietal bones
Squamosal Suture Between Temporal and Parietal Bones
Lambdoidal Suture Between Occipital and Parietal Bones
Bregma Junction of coronal and sagittal sutures
Lambda Junction of lambdoidal and sagittal sutures
Pterion Junction of parietal bone, squamosal suture, and greater wing of the sphenoid
Asterion Junction of occipital bone, parietal bone, and mastoid portion of temporal bone
Fontanelles Areas of incomplete ossification
Cranial Bones Frontal Bone Occipital Bone R&L Parietal Bones R&L Temporal Bones Sphenoid Ethmoid
Facial Bones R&L Nasal Bones R&L Lacrimal Bones R&L Maxillary Bones R&L Zygomatic Bones R&L Palatine Bones R&L Inferior Nasal Conchae Vomer Mandible
Nasal Bones Articulatations: Frontal Ethmoid Maxillae Opposite nasal bone at MSP
Lacrimal Bone Articulations: Frontal Ethmoid Maxilla Inferior Nasal Conchae
Maxillary Bone Articulations: all facial bones except mandible
Zygomatic Bones Articulations: Frontal Bone (superior) Zygomatic process of temporal bone Maxilla (anterior) Sphenoid (posterior)
Palatine Bone
Inferior Nasal Conchae Upper two nasal conchae are processes of ethmoid bone
Vomer Forms inferior nasal septum Articulates with sphenoid and perpendicular plate of ethmoid
Mandible Largest and densest facial bone Body Rami Symphysis
Hyoid Bone Does not articulate with any other bone in the body
What seven bones compose the orbits? Frontal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Maxilla, Zygoma, Lacrimal, Palatine
Paranasal Sinuses air-filled cavities located in the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of the cranium, as well as the maxillae of the face
Maxillary sinuses are formed at: Birth
Frontal and Sphenoid sinuses are formed at: 6-7 years old
Ethmoid sinuses are formed at: 17-18 years old
Which sinuses are the largest? Maxillary
5 Functions of Sinuses 1. resonating chamber for the voice 2. decrease weight of skull 3. aid in warming/moisturizing inhaled air 4. act as shock absorbers in trauma 5. possibly control immune system
Where are the ethmoid sinuses located? Within the labyrinths of the ethmoid bone
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