Social Studies


Social Studies Flashcards on Social Studies, created by c.mcnall.69 on 18/05/2013.
Flashcards by c.mcnall.69, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by c.mcnall.69 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. What effect did the Beatles have on New Zealand teens? Answer. The effect the Beatles had on New Zealand teens mostly female was being very starstruck (lots of crying, Pushing, and screaming.) as they where one of the first big famous people to come to New Zealand.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. What is a Cold War? Answer. A Cold war is when two difference countries or people have problems with each other but do not want to solve it in killing each other instead they may have a stand off, like not trading.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. How did New Zealanders feel about the Cold War? Answer. At the time of the Cold war New Zealanders felt scared and worried that at any moment a nuclear war could start out.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. Why did New Zealand get involved in the Vietnam War? Answer. New Zealand got involved in the Vietnam war because they where in ANZUS and America got involved in the war so we got drag along to.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. Why where people mad with ANZUS when they fought in the Vietnamese War? Answer. People where against ANZUS fighting in the war because it was not our fight it was the countries. People thought that ANZUS shouldn’t be interfering with them and that they could find there own ways to solve there problems.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. What was the cause of New Zealand Anti-Nuclear policy? Answer. he cause for the anti-nuclear policy was the French testing nuclear bombs in the Pacific.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. What where the consequences of New Zealand Anti-Nuclear policy? Answer. The consequences of the anti-nuclear policy where america and your big and powerful countries getting mad at New Zealand. One of the saddest would be the Rainbow Warrior bombing and the death that came with that bombing.
Social Studies. Making Kiwis. Why did New Zealanders protest against the springbok tour? Answer. Many New Zealanders protested against the springbok tour because of the racist laws that they had in south Africa at the time.
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