Created by Julie Gholston
over 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
Identify three biblical characters who demonstrated honor for God. | Abraham - obeyed God - left home Noah - built ark, cared what God thought Rack, Shack & Benny - no bowing to Neb |
In what way did Abraham's choice to follow God demonstrate a heart that honor's God | He put God's plans and desires ahead of his own. He trusted God. |
How does pride result from a heart that fails to honor God? | Trusts more in itself than God. If we do not view God in His proper place, we will soon place ourselves there. God deserves the credit for all He allows and enables us to do. |
Why did Saul think that as long as the sacrifices were offered, God would help his army. | He assumed God valued acts of worship above the simple obedience as an act of worship. |
How does seeing obedience as worship affect your daily choices? | My obedience is worship. When I see it that way, I will have a right heart. (Our motivation to obey God is enhanced by our desire to worship Him.) |
How does a thankful heart see God in times of hardship? | Even in times of hardship, a thankful heart acknowledges the sovereignty of God. |
What is the sovereignty of God? | The sovereignty of God represents the ability to exercise His holy will or supremacy. Isaiah 46:9-10 "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." Eph. 1:11, Job 42:2, |
How do self-reliance and pride emerge when we are not thankful? | It is God in us that empowers us to make right choices & do His work. (Some may offer credit to us for our goodness & we can forget the true nature of our righteous choices. We begin to view ourselves in ways that undermine God's glory and ultimately experience the fall that pride brings.) |
What areas of weakness exist in your heart toward God? What steps can you take to address such vices. | Don't confuse God-given-competency or position with self-righteousness. It is because of God that I am able to do anything or I achieve any status - all for HIM and His purposes. |
How would you describe the difference between uncertainty and doubt? | Uncertainty suggests a willingness to believe, but doubt demonstrates reluctance to follow God. |
Which is your most common reason for doubt: self-reliance, emotionalism, or influence of others? What steps can you take to overcome this tendency? | Others - "Why would God do that 4U?" Others - "What is happening in CC?" Self - "What can *I* do now? emotionalsim - Other's don't see the heirarchy I submit to Answer: Trust& Obey God |
Hypocrisy | Taking part in behavior that is contrary to what a person claims to believe or feel; falsely giving the appearance of virtue without actually being virtuous. |
How is hypocrisy related to pride? | Hypocrisy is a product of sin. Pointing out the faults in others while ignoring your own sin. |
What aspects of the Pharisees' failures do you see in the modern church? | Its easy to loose sight of why we are doing what we are doing. We need to constantly ask God to help us remember He is our source and our goal. (Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds, Jesus you're my source and goal." |
If you said to your circumstances, "This is a test" how would that change the way your respond? | Tests have a purpose - the equipping of our lives for greater effectiveness. |
Describe a time you battled resentment. How did you overcome it? | Elsie's will Submitted to God (He could change it if He wanted to) and chose to trust & think: God's in control. Souls and relationships are more important than money. |
What the steps of extending forgiveness? | Remember God's forgiveness. Release your emotions to God. Separate offender from offense. Proclaim freedom for offender & offended. |
How does the pursuit of comfort compromise the test of trust? | A life of comfort conveys a false sense that one is in sync with God. Then, when trials disrupt this comfort, the individual finds it difficult to trust God. |
What has God required you to abandon to pursue His call of ministry? | My life. My will. |
Describe the nature of the test of dependence? | It typically involves God's removal of something from our lives. This test reveals upon whom or what we may be leaning. |
How can a minister keep others from unhealthy dependence on him or her? | By teaching others to trust in God, demonstrating a life of dependence on God; not allowing dependency to form. |
Why is passing this test so essential? | Passing the test of love is the real evidence of our faith. This is the witness that the world is waiting to see -- God's love lived out through His people. |
When have you faced the test of love? | Loving those who are difficult to love. |
How does our ability to wait on God affect those we lead? | If we cannot wait, we will manufacture explanations for God's delay, which seldom connect with the truth. Our impatience also produced impatience in our mentees. |
Why do some people reject the test of solitude? | People mistakenly believe that such times reveal we have departed from God's will. They lack the maturity to live outside of the outpouring of God's blessings. |
How does a minister's response to the wilderness affect those he or she leads? | The minister established how the congregation will view solitary times in their own lives and sets the pace for how they will endure this time in the wilderness. He or she can help the people build greater strength and grow in their trust in God. |
When have you faced a wilderness time, and how did you respond? How long did it last, and what brought it to its end? | Infertility. I grew a lot. Went through questioning what God knew that we didn't. Would we not be good parents? It finally ended after nine years when I said, even if I never have a baby Lord, I will still love you. |
What principle from this lesson do you find most important for your own journey with God? | 1. He is trustworthy. 2. He cares. 3. He has a plan. |
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