Cells and Microscopy


Flashcards by theragingninja, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by theragingninja almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cells and Microscopy B2.1
Role of nucleus? Contains DNA which controls what the cell does
Role of cytoplasm? Gel like substance where most chemical reactions happen
Role of cell membrane Holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out
Role of mitochondria? Where most reactions for respiration happens
Role of a cell wall? Made of cellulose, it gives support for the cell
Role of chloroplast? Contains a green substance called chlorophyll so that photosynthesis occurs
What don't bacterial cells have? Bacterial cells do not have a nucleus
Chromosomal DNA One long circular chromosome. Controls the cell's activities and replication. Floats free in cytoplasm
Plasmids Small loops of extra DNA that are not part of the chromosome. Can contain genes like 'drug resistance' which can be passed between bacteria
Flagellum Long hair like structure that rotates to make the bacteria move
Bacteria cells are supported by a... Cell wall
Formula for magnification? Magnification = Length of image/Length of specimen
What does a light microscope allow us to see? Nucleus, chloroplast and mitochondria in cells
What does an electron microscope allow us to see? To see smaller things in more detail
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