

A level Psychology (approaches) Flowchart on Behaviourism, created by Katie Hubbard on 30/11/2021.
Katie Hubbard
Flowchart by Katie Hubbard, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Hubbard
Created by Katie Hubbard over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Behaviourism
  • background
  • behaviourists think all is learned -so phobias and mental disorders are learned through environmental conditioning
  • application
  • if humans are conditioned to have a phobia then they can be conditioned to overcome them too
  • 1. systematic desensitisation 2. flooding
  • token economies
  • - use the principles of operant conditioning to increase or reduce a target behaviour -tokens (secondary reinforcer) are given to participant when they display a target behaviour- which they can trade for something they want (primary reinforcer)
  • 1. patient exposed to progressive anxiety provoking stimuli, taught relaxation techniques
  • 2. patient exposed to direct max intensity anxiety producing stimuli, not taught relaxation techniques
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