Love & Relationships


Poems From The Anthology 2016 Cluster 1 (English)
Amy Drake
Flowchart by Amy Drake, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Drake
Created by Amy Drake about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Love and Relationships
  • Walking Away 
  • The Farmers Bride
  • Letters From Yorkshire
  • Eden rock 
  • Follower
  • Neutral Tones 
  • Sonnet 29
  • Porphyria's Lover
  • Love's Philosophy
  • When We Two Parted 
  • Mother. Any Distnace
  • Before You Were Mine
  • Winter Swans 
  • Singh Song!
  • Climbing My Grandgather
  • "Pale grew thy kiss and cold, colder thy kiss"
  • Unrequited Love
  • Romantic Love 
  • Jelousy
  • Nature Imagery
  • Longing
  • Desire
  • "I hear thy name spoken, and share it in shame, they name me before me, a knell in my ear"
  • "In silence I grieve, that my heart could forget"
  • "If i should meet thee, after long years, how should i greet thee"
  • "Half broken - hearted"
  • "Nothing in the world is single, all these things by law divine"
  • "See the mountains kiss the high heavens, and the waves clasp one another"
  • "And the moonbeams kiss the sea- what are all these kissing's worth, if thou not kiss me 
  • "That moment she was mine, mine fair"
  • "Blushed bright beneath my burning kiss"
  • "That moment she was mine, mine fair"
  • "That all it scorned at once is fled, and I, its love, am gained instead"
  • "Rustle thy bough's and set thy trunk all bare"
  • "I think of thee - my thoughts do twine and bud about thee" 
  • "Renew thy presence, as strong as a tree should be" 
  • "The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing Alive enough to have the strength to die"
  • "And a few leaves lay on the starving sod"
  • "We stood by a pond that winter day, and the sun was white"
  • "Since then, keen lessons that love deceives, and wings with wrong that have shaped me"
  • Memories
  • "Watching the same news in different houses, our souls tap out messages across the icy miles"
  • "You out there in the cold, seeing the seasons"
  • "Is your life more real because you dig and sow?"
  • "He saw the first lapwings return and came indoors to write to me!
  • "Alone poor maid . 'tis but a stair betwixt us. 
  • "Sweet as the first wild violets. She to her wild self"
  • "Whats Christmas time without there be some other in the house than we!"
  • "More like a frightened little fay"
  • "out 'mong the sheep, her be, they said"
  • "Behind a scatter of boys, i can see you walking away from me towards the school"
  • Parental Love
  • "Roughly saying what God alone could perfectly show - How selfhood begins with a walking away"
  • "It was eighteen years ago, almost to the day- since i watched you play your first game of football"
  • "A sunny day with leaves just turning" 
  • "Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem"
  • "My father, twenty-five, in the same suit of genuine Irish Tweed"
  • "My mother, twenty-three, in a sprigged dress"
  • "Her hair the colour of wheat, takes on the 
  • "They beckon me from the other bank, i hear them call"
  • "See where the stream, path is! crossing it is not as hard as you might think"
  • "I had not thought that it would be like this"
  • "His shoulders globed like a full sail strung"
  • "I wanted to grow up and plough, to close one eye, stiffen my arm"
  • "An expert"
  • "I wanted to grow up and plough, to close one eye, stiffen my arm"
  • "The sod rolled over without breaking, at the headrig without a single pluck"
  • "Mother any distance greater than a single span"
  • "You come to help me measure the windows, pelmets, doors, the acres of the walls, the prairies of the floors"
  • "You at the zero end, me with the spool of tape recording length, metres, centimetres back to base"
  • "I space-walk through the empty bedrooms, climb the ladder to the loft, to breaking point, where something has to give"
  • "I remember my hands in those high-heeled red shoes, relics"
  • "Before i was born"
  • "I wanted the bold girl winking in Portobello, somewhere in Scotland"
  • "Your polka-dot dress blows round your legs. Marilyn"
  • "I noticed our hands, that had, somehow, swum the distance between us and folded, one over the other, like a pair of wings settling after flight"
  • "They mate for life, you said as they left"
  • "The clouds had given their all-two days of rain and then a break"
  • "The waterlogged earth gulping for breath at our feet"
  • "Until the swans came and stopped us with a show of tipping unison"
  • "Because, in this deep joy to see and hear thee and breathe thee within thy shadow a new air"
  • "How much do you charge for that moon baby?- from di stool each night i say, is half di price of you baby"
  • "How much does dat come to baby?- from di stool each night i say, is priceless baby"
  • "After vee hav made luv, like vee rowing through Putney"
  • "But ven nobody in, I do di lock - cos up di stairs is my newly bride"
  • "Ven I return from di tickle ov my bride di shoppers always points and cry"
  • "I decide to do it free without a rope or net"
  • "I can only lie watching clouds and and birds circle feeling his heat, knowing the slow pulse of his good heart"
  • "Then up over the forehead, the wrinkles well-spaced and easy, to his thick hair, reaching for the summit"
  • ""reaching for the summit, where gasping for breath I can only lie watching clouds and birds circle, feeling his heat, knowing the slow pulse of his good heart"
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