Celebration of Easter- rebirth, the end of waiting, resurrection
Song- an allegory of the love and the relationship between: God and Israel, Christ and Church, Christ and the individual soul
The Second Coming: Jeez-slice is gonna roll up in his gold Mercedez saying, "Holla babes!"
Ultimately a new Kingdom will come and replace this junk- Jeez will lead, and there will be no more hunger, thirst or tears
Language, tone and structure
Each alternate line in the first verse begins 'My heart is like'
'Is come, my love has come to me'
Emphasises 'come'- expression of joy that her lover has returned
First verse written in strict iambic tetrameter
Song-like rhythm that stresses the word 'heart'
In second verse, 4 out of 7 lines begin with a trochee
Stress falls on the verbs 'raise', 'hang', 'carve', and 'work'
Break out of metrical scheme of the first verse, so the trochees highlight the urgency of the speaker to create something new to celebrate the return of her love
Imagery, Symbolism, Themes
'a singing bird'
Wordsworth- intention to create poetry like a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"
The song is a natural part of her- an awakening, like Spring, whether a religious experience or not
Nested upon a 'watered shoot'
Fresh, but not as firm as a fully grown tree
Image of fertility (young love, weak but lush)
'well watered'
Old Testament Book of Isaiah
"You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail"
Apple tree
Natural, different to the tempting Goblin Fruits
All who will 'lay hold' of the tree of life 'will be blessed'- Proverbs 3;18
Tree in the garden of Eden- the apple knowledge that cast Adam and Eve out
'Rainbow halcyon'
Rainbow in the bible- fulfilment of God's promise
Appearing when God helped Noah escape the flood- Genesis 19:3
Narrator has promises fulfilled- the lover is her God?
Halcyon comes from Greek myth of a bird, charmed the wind and waves.
Associated with prosperity, joy, tranquility
Use of halcyon shows deep comfort and rest narrator has found
'Her heart is gladder than all these'- the speaker indicates that descriptions of the natural world are incapable of fully expressing her exuberant emotional state