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Classroom Management


Classroom Management
Leslie Varela
Mind Map by Leslie Varela, updated more than 1 year ago
Leslie Varela
Created by Leslie Varela over 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Classroom Management
  1. ART
    1. SCIENCE
      1. Innate abilities complements learning teaching skills
        1. PRINCIPLES
            1. 1. Sight, sound & Comfort
              1. Clean, order, visual tools, noise control
              2. 2. Seating Arrangements
                1. - To have a plan in mind. - To organize in semi- circles or one circle that allows ss interaction.
                2. 3. Chalkboard Uses
                  1. - Provide visual input. - Requiere to be neat and orderly. - It is necessary erase as often as appropriate.
                  2. 4. Equipment
                    1. It is comfortable, have a good audio and good location, It works, and teacher know how to operate it.
                  3. 2. VOICE AND BODY LANGUAGE
                    1. 1. Voice projection. 2. Clear articulation.
                      1. - Posture with confidence. - Reflect optimism, brightness, and warmth. - Facial and hands gestures to enhance meanings. - Eye contact. - Move around. - Dress appropriately.
                        1. Take decissions when unexpected events changes the lesson plan.
                          1. POISE
                            1. Keep in calm
                              1. Assessing situation quickly
                                1. Making change
                            2. 4. TEACHING UNDER ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES
                              1. 1. Large classes
                                1. - Learn student names and use them. - Use pair work and small groups.
                                2. 2. Multiples proficiency levels in the same class.
                                  1. No categorize smart or bad students. Identify skills and abilities. Give individual techniques. Use learning centers. Group work tasks.
                                  2. 3. Compromise with the institution.
                                    1. Professional diplomacy and efficiency to bear on the varying degrees of hardship
                                    2. 4. Discipline
                                      1. Find the source of the problem
                                      2. 5. Cheating
                                        1. Spread out the students, give A & B form of a test with different order.
                                      3. 5. TEACHERS´ROLES AND STYLES
                                        1. 1. Roles
                                          1. Authority, leader, knower, director, manager, counselor, guide, friend, confident, parent.
                                          2. 2. Styles
                                            1. Consistent with the rest of the teacher.
                                            2. 3. Cultural Expectations
                                              1. Be cautious, sensitive to the perceptions, negotiate changes in attitudes, be ready to compromise, be patient reaching goals
                                              2. AFFECTIVE OR EMOTIONAL SIDE
                                              3. 6 CREATING A POSITIVE CLASSROOM CLIMATE
                                                1. 1. Establishing rapport.
                                                  1. Connection between teachers and studenst, built on trust and respect
                                                  2. 2. Balance praise & criticism.
                                                    1. Genuine praise, appropriately delivered, made a delicate balance.
                                                    2. 3. Generate energy,
                                                      1. Many mins in a circuit, thinking, writing and talking.
                                                        1. Teacher is the key: solid preparation, confidence in abilities, positive beliefs in students, and a sense of joy
                                                        2. POSITIVE, STIMULATING AND ENERGIZING
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