Stage 3: Explore the course


Ingles 2 UNAD
Norma Rojas
Mind Map by Norma Rojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Norma Rojas
Created by Norma Rojas over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Stage 3: Explore the course
  1. Navegation
    1. Initial Progress Barr
      1. Indicadores de la barra de la barra de progreso
        1. Navigation
          1. Administration
          2. Virtual Learning Environments
            1. Starting Information
              1. Knowledge environment
                1. Collaborative learning environment
                  1. Practice Learning environment
                    1. Monitoring and evaluation environment
                      1. Student's Management environment
                      2. Right Sidebar
                        1. Calendar
                          1. Upcoming Events
                            1. Ayudas
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                            INGLES 2 Grupo 90021_469
                            Henry Fernando Castillo Murillo
                            INGLES II
                            Walter Fandiño
                            ENTORNOS VIRTUALES DE APRENDIZAJE
                            HECTOR SIERRA
                            Ingles II
                            Anthony Herrera
                            Ruby Hernández
                            Ruby Hernandez
                            Exploración de los entornos del cursoIngles 2
                            Sandra Renteria
                            Secret Societies
                            INGLES 2 Grupo 90021_469
                            Henry Fernando Castillo Murillo