The Development Of Social Networking


Mind Map on The Development Of Social Networking, created by Estefania Estrada on 18/09/2017.
Estefania Estrada
Mind Map by Estefania Estrada, updated more than 1 year ago
Estefania Estrada
Created by Estefania Estrada about 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Development Of Social Networking
    1. Friendster was, in part, a new type of dating instead of complete strangers based on shared interests, which operated on the assumption that people with shared and acquaintances would have a better chance than those who had no shared connection.
        1. 2002
    2. HI5
        1. a network of users consists not only of their own contacts, of friends) and third (friends of friends of friends) degree contacts. Users can configure their profiles to be viewed only by members of their network or by Hi5 users in general.
          1. 2003
      1. LINKENDIN
          1. LinkedIn allowed users to post a profile (basically a resume) and interact through private messaging. They also work on the assumption that you should personally know the people you are connecting to on the site. Other features, such as groups, Q & A forums, and advanced profile features, including real-time updates, have been added.
            1. 2003
        1. MYSPACE
            1. MySpace differentiated itself from competitors by allowing users to fully customize the appearance of their profiles. Users could also post artist music on MySpace and embed videos from other sites in their profiles. original. Myspace allowed communication through private messages, public comments sent to a user profile and newsletters sent to all their friends.
              1. 2004/2006
          1. FACEBOOK
              1. Facebook, however, allows users to post videos and otherwise customize their profile content, if not the design. Facebook has added a number of features over the years, including instant messaging and applications (and its development platform). Users have some different methods of communicating with each other.
                1. 2004
            1. NING
                1. New users can create social networks for any niche they choose or join any of more than 1.5 million existing networks Ning was the first widely used partner network platform. Its biggest advantage in the market was that it made it incredibly simple even for non-technical users to create their own social network.
              1. PHOTOBUCKET
                  1. Photobucket allows users to share photos publicly or in password protected albums.
                    1. 2009
                1. FLICKR
                    1. Flickr has groups, photo pools and allows users to create profiles, add friends and organize pictures and videos in photo albums. One of the main advantages of Flickrs is that they allow users to license their photos through Creative Commons, as well as retain all copyrights.
                      1. 2009
                  1. YOUTUBE
                      1. Users can upload videos up to 10 minutes and share them via YouTube or embed them in networks of websites, blogs, forums, etc. allows users to upload HD videos and newly released service to offer licensed television programs and movies to their copyright owners.
                        1. 2005
                    1. REVVER
                        1. Revver took a slightly different approach to hosting and sharing videos. Revver has been sharing revenue from the start. creator of the video. Some other video distribution and hosting sites are moving in the direction of revenue distribution. but Revver is still the main one that does it with all the content in the site
                      1. DELICIOUS
                          1. i find it online, tag that content, and then share it with other users. Users can search bookmarks or search content, tags.Delicious also allows users to see the most popular content among other users as well as up-and- coming not unlike most social news sites
                            1. 2003
                        1. DIGG
                            1. Digg users can share links online and other users can vote that content up or down (bury).
                              1. 2004
                          1. REDDIT
                              1. Reddit operates in a similar fashion to digg, allowing users to vote convent up or down. Users can view popular items, new items, and "controversial" items.
                                1. 2005
                            1. TWITTER
                                1. Tweets trilpled during the conference, from 20k per day to 60k. Twitter has developed a cult-like following and has a number og famous users.
                                  1. 2006
                              1. POSTEROUS
                                  1. Users post convent via email. Emails can include attached photos, Mps and other file types that are also posted.
                                    1. 2009
                                1. TUMBLR
                                    1. Is sort of a cross between a life streaming aplication and a micro blogging plataform
                                      1. 2007
                                  1. USTREAM.TV
                                      1. has become the streaming video host of choise for celebrities like
                                        1. 2006
                                    1. JUSTIN.TV
                                        1. is a streaming video host, that lest life caster and live show creators to broadcast to hundreds or thousands of internet user
                                          1. 2006
                                      1. FRIENDFEED
                                          1. It's also a social network in its own rigth, with the ability to create friends lists, post updates, and otherwise communicate
                                            1. 2007
                                        1. NAME
                                          1. LOGO
                                            1. DEFINITION AND USES
                                              1. TIMELINE
                                          2. SOCIAL NEWS
                                            1. REAL TIME UPDATES
                                              1. LEFESTREAMING AND LIFECASTING
                                                1. PRECURSOS TO SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                  1. EARLY SOCIAL NETWORDS
                                                    1. MAJOR ADVANCES IN SOCIAL NETWORKING
                                                      1. COMPANY-SPONSORED SOCIAL NETWORKS
                                                        1. NICHE SOCIAL NETWORKS
                                                          1. OTHER MAJOR SOCIAL NETWORS
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