
mapa de ingles
Esmeralda Pacheco Santos
Mind Map by Esmeralda Pacheco Santos, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
paola rangel ortiz
Created by paola rangel ortiz over 7 years ago
paola rangel ortiz
Copied by paola rangel ortiz over 7 years ago
Esmeralda Pacheco Santos
Copied by Esmeralda Pacheco Santos over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. vBulletin
    1. ICQ
        1. Was founded in 1996. It becomes the world¿s first instant messaging program.
      1. BBS
        1. IRC
            1. Was founded in 1995 is a text-based real-time communication protocol that allows for discussions between two or more people.
            1. 16, february 1978, is software for computer networks that allows users to connect to the system via the internet or throught a telephone line, was created by Ward Christensen.
            1. February 2000, is a software to create forums on the internet,
          1. Twitter
            1. World of Warcraft
                1. November 13, 2014, is a massively multiplayer online video game, was created by Tom Chilton.
                1. Was founded in 2006 and gained a lot of popularity during the 2007 SxSW conference. Was created by Jack Dorsey.
              1. YOUTUBE
                1. Photobucket
                    1. Was the first major photo sharing site, launched in 2003. Was created by Fox Broadcasting.
                    1. Was the first major video hosting and sharing site, launched in 2005. Wasv created by Jawed Karim.
                  1. Delicious
                    1. Reedit
                        1. Was founded in June 23, 2005, is a social bookmarking web site and news aggregator where users can leawe links to web content. Was created by Alexis Ohanian.
                        1. Founded in 2003, it allows its users to bookmark any content they find online. Was created by Joshua Schachter.
                      1. FACEBOOK
                        1. Linkedin
                            1. Was founded in December 2002 and was one of the first mainstream social networks devoted to business. Was created by Reid Hoffman.
                            1. Started out as a Harvard-only social netwokr back in 2004, it quicly to other schools, then to high schools. In 2008 becamne the most popular social networking. Was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
                          1. SIX DEGREES
                            1. LIVEJOURNAL
                                1. Started in March 1999 and took a different approach to social networking. While six degrees allowed users to create a basically-static profile. Was created by Brad Fitzpatrick.
                                1. Was launched in 1997 and was the first modem social network, it allowed users to create a profile and to become friends with other users.
                              1. MySpace
                                1. FRIENDSTER
                                  1. HI5
                                      1. Established in 2003 and currently boasting more than 60 million active members according to their own claims. Was created by Ramu Yalamanchi.
                                      1. Was really the first modem, general social network, founded in March 2002, is still a very active social network, with over 90 million registered and 60+ million unique visitors each month. Was created by MOL Global.
                                      1. Was founded in 2003 and by 2006 had grown to be the most popular social network in the world. Users could also post music from artists. Was created by Tom Anderson.
                                    1. Kontain
                                      1. Flickr
                                        1. Revver
                                          1. DIgg
                                              1. Was founded in 2004, digg users can share links to anything online. Was created by Betaworis.
                                              1. October 29, 2005, Took a slightly different approach to video hosting and sharing. Was created by Steven Starr.
                                              1. Tthey claim to host more than 3.6 billion images as of june 2009. Was created by Stewart Butterfield.
                                              1. Which launched in 2008, works a bit differently than many social networks, putting the focus on usability and allowing users to follow.
                                            1. Posterous
                                                1. Is the newest major micro blogging application, started by Y combinator in May 2008- Users post content via email. Was created by Steve Rubel.
                                              1. Tumblr
                                                1. Ustream
                                                    1. Founded in march 2007 is an online platform that has several channels that allow the transmission of events. Was created by Justin Kan.
                                                    1. February 2007, is a microblogging plattaform thata allows its users to publish texts,images,videos,links,quotes and audio as a tumblelog, was created by David Karp.
                                                  1. Multiply
                                                    1. Orkut
                                                        1. Launched in January 2004, is Google's social netwkork, and white it's not particulary popular in the U.S. Was created by Google.
                                                        1. Family-friendly social network and media sharing site was established in December 2003. Was created by Stefan Magdalinski.
                                                      1. Justin.TV
                                                        1. FriendFeed
                                                            1. Ning
                                                                1. OCTOBER 2004, is an online platform for users that allows you to create social websites and social networks, was created by Gina Bianchini.
                                                                1. May 30, a social network,a radio via imternet and in addition a music recommendation systems that builds profiles and statistics on musical tastes,based on data sent by registered users. Was created by Felix Miller.
                                                                1. 2000, was an aggregator in real time that allowed to see in one place the updates of news of media and social nerworks blogs and microblogs,as well of any source of news in formats RSS and Atom. Was created by Paul Buchheit.
                                                                1. 2007. Allows anyone to stream live video. Was created by Justin Kan.
                                                              1. STAGES
                                                                1. NICHE SOCIAL NETWORKS
                                                                  1. OTHER MAJOR SOCIAL NETWORKING
                                                                    1. PRECURSOS OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                      1. SOCIAL NEWS AND BOOKMARKING
                                                                        1. MAJOR ADVENCES IN SOCIAL NETWORKING
                                                                          1. EARLY SOCIAL NETWORKS
                                                                            1. COMPANY-SPONSORED SOCIAL NETWORKS
                                                                              1. REAL TIME UPDATES
                                                                                1. LIFE STREAM AND LIFE CASTINGS
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