Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.


Mind Map on Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify., created by Marianna Wilbert on 24/09/2017.
Marianna Wilbert
Mind Map by Marianna Wilbert, updated more than 1 year ago
Marianna Wilbert
Created by Marianna Wilbert about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.
  1. No, because the Amazon is a very important area for Brazil and also for different parts of the world. Nature has many benefits and deforesting it or using it for other purposes for profit can bring great consequences to the world.
    1. What kind of consequences it can bring to the world?
      1. Would you rather to still have deforestation, but in a illegal way as we have been seeing to happen in amazon. Or to have a law, that regulates that kind of activity?
        1. You do not think that deforesting would bring other types of benefits to our country? and what if this decret was approved thinking about something positive for us in Brazil?
        2. No, because it affects not only the biodiversity, the weather, the deforestation of the Amazon affects the lives of local people very much.
          1. And what else can affect biodiversity and the climate beyond deforestation?
            1. Does deforestation only affect the local population?
            2. No, it is not fulfilling because it is letting a large chunk of the Amazon be destroyed for a pathetic cause like profits and tip payments to people who have exchanged favors. Money does not bring back the damage that will be done in that environment.
              1. Do you think Amazonia will supply what the money would do?
                1. But would not the profit gained be good for the country’s economy?
                2. No, it’s sad to know there are people that would destroy a forest that represents life for money, because without it I’m sure the world will be completely polluted, the forest is the world filter.
                  1. The only importance of the Amazon rainforest is as a “world filter”?
                    1. And is not there another option that could be the world filter?
                    2. It’s definitely not correct, this project shouldn’t get its approval or even be supported by the government because Brazilian’s flora and fauna are extremely rich and diversified. We can’t allow that of of the biggest treasures of our country gets destroyed to generate profits that definitely won’t be used to repaid the damage.
                      1. Are you sure that it won’t be used to repaid the damage? And if they use the money to repair other things?
                        1. If we have such a big territory can’t we deforest a piece to get more money to our country?
                        2. No, because deforesting the Amazon will allow the death of thousands of human beings alive, as the plants and animals that inhabit, we removing what was left of nature in our Brazil.
                          1. Why it allows the death of thousands of living human beings?
                            1. But how about the progress of tecnology and urbanism?
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