Full CV and detailed academic career with at least two letters of
reference should be sent by July 15, 2013 to the following e-mail
address: maurizio.crestani@unimi.it
Additional information Closing date for the applications is: 15/06/2013 Starting date:
August 2013 Please send application (a letter of interest describing briefly your career, CV,
list of publications, and two letters of reference) to Huu Phuc Nguyen, M.D., Institute of
Medical Genetics and Applied Genomics, Calwerstr. 7, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany via
e-mail: hoa.nguyen@med.uni-tuebingen.de
Candidates send their cv and a motivation letter to catherine.hayes@medkem.gu.se,
niclas.karlsson@medkem.gu.se and the involved supervisor (see above). Furthermore, applicants
should submit a form in which it is corroborated that they are eligible for MC ITN funding (cf.
diploma, mobility aspect, English language skills – see below for more details). The deadline
for these documents is 19th of July 2013. The GastricGlycoExplorer Recruitment Committee
candidates and the selected ESRs and ERs are to start as quickly as possible (in practice no
later than 1 November 2013).