Verbs Tenses


Andrea Polo Vazquez
Mind Map by Andrea Polo Vazquez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Polo Vazquez
Created by Andrea Polo Vazquez about 7 years ago
Andrea Polo Vazquez
Copied by Andrea Polo Vazquez about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Verbs Tenses
  1. Present Tenses
    1. Present Simple
      1. It is used to express a rutine or a habit.You can use advebs of frecuncy.
        1. Ex: I usually brush my teeth after diner.
      2. Present COntinuous
        1. It is used to talk about an action which is happening now.The verb needs to endend in -ing.
          1. Ex: Look! He´s washing his car.
        2. Present Progressive
          1. It is used to talk about future when the time is mentioned.We need to do the structure as present continuous one.
            1. Ex: They are watching a film at 8 p.m.
        3. Future tenses
          1. Future(planned action)
            1. Future Simple
            2. Past Tenses
              1. Past Simple
                1. It is used to talk about something that happened in the past.
                  1. Ex: I went to the theatre last week
                2. Past Continuous
                3. Imperative
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