It took complete control over the Iraqi oil
industry, despite British opposition.
Saddam used the wealth to build up
education, health and welfare services.
He was recognised with an award from de UN for creating
the most modern public helth system in the Middle East.
The Iraqis joined other Arab oil-producing
states in reducing production and sales to
western countries.
It was done to punish the West for
supporting Israel against Egypt and Syria.
One of the concequences was an increasing of the oil price 400%.
Electricity was extended to the countryside.
Agriculture was mechanised.
Roads, bridges, hospitals,
schools and dams were built.
Saddam became general of the army.
The secret police, also under Saddam's control,
got to dominate the army and the Baath Party.
Sadam Hussein forced the President to resign
and formally became the Iraqi President
Lasted 25 years on power.
He carried out a brutal purge of anyone
who might be a threaten to him.
He was highly keen on Stalin's use of terror to enforce
submission. And threatened his enemies and his own party.
Iran and iraq went to war.
Saddam used chemical weapons in
his planes to bombard Kurdish.
This was one of the apisodes for which Saddam Hussein
was later put on trial, found guilty and executed.
Iran-Iraq's war ended.
Kurdish was mostly depopulated.
Chemical weapons were used to carry
mass executions and bulldozering villages.
200.000 Shiites were deported to Iran as their "loyalty was not proven".
Saddam tryed to extend his control over the
Kurdish North. His forces attacked the Kurds.
Iran helped the Kurds and this lead to a future war in 1980.
The republic was ruled by the Baath party.
Most of the Baathist were Sunni
Muslims, and although the presence of
difference, Shiites were brought into
the new government in a show of unity.
Saddam Hussein played a key role during this period.
The monarchy was overthrown.
Iraq became a Republic.
The Iraqi government agreed with the Iraqi
Petroleum Company that profits would be
delivered equally to the Iraqi government
and the British-dominated company.
Bitain supported the jewish
state of israel against the
opposition of the arab states
In order to "run the country with
collaboration", Britain invited
Faisal, a member of a leading
Arab family in the middle east
to become king of Iraq.
However, the British:
Kept control of
Iraq's foreign policy.
Kept control of
two airbases.
Still owned the Iraqi
Petroleum to drill
and sell Iraq's oil.
It lasted 35 years, a Period within
Iraq developed greatly its economy and education.
Although, there was some improvement, the
country was dominated by a small number of
landowners. Most of the population was poor
Iraqi nationalists rebelled.
Britain tried to crush de
100.000 troops but just gained
more opposition doing so.
After the First World War the
empire was broken up.
The three provinces were combined as a
League of Nations mandate run by
Britain thanks to the Treaty of Sevres.
The area we now know as Iraq
were three provinces of the
turkish empire.