Landscapes of Spain


Social Science Mind Map on Landscapes of Spain, created by Remei Gomez Gracia on 15/11/2017.
Remei Gomez Gracia
Mind Map by Remei Gomez Gracia, updated more than 1 year ago
Remei Gomez Gracia
Created by Remei Gomez Gracia almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Landscapes of Spain
  1. Inland Mediterranean landscapes
    1. Extensive plain dedicated to crops
      1. Deciduous trees growing along riverbanks
      2. Mountain landscapes
        1. Extensive forests
          1. Evergreen trees - Pine woods
            1. Deciduous trees - Beech woods
          2. Atlantic landscapes
            1. Humid regions due to abundant rainfalls and rich soil.
              1. Extensive forests of deciduous trees
                1. Meadows for livestock
              2. Subtropical landscapes
                1. Volcanic mountainous area
                  1. Indigenous species
                    1. Canary pine, giant cactus, drago tree, tabaiba
                2. Coastal Mediterranean landscapes
                  1. Dehesa forests of evergreen trees.
                    1. Abundant Shrublands
                      1. Maquis shrubland (dense, compact bushes)
                        1. Thickets (aromatic plants)
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