

third class of teen teaching
andres giles azcue
Mind Map by andres giles azcue, updated more than 1 year ago
andres giles azcue
Created by andres giles azcue over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Drugs
    1. More than half of high school seniors have used an ilegal drug
      1. Drugs are percived plesurable an a escape of reality
        1. Produce a biological or psychological dependence
        2. Alcohol
          1. Nature vs nurture
            1. Alcoholism can be caused by friends or family
            2. 76% of high school students having consumed an alcoholic drink
              1. Stress may trigger drinking and alcoholism for some teens
              2. AIDS
                1. Are transmited through body fluids
                  1. Tennagers have fellings of invulneravility,embarrassment and a sense of privacy
                    1. The only disease that has no cure is HIV
                    2. Tobacco
                      1. Nicotine produce a biological and psychological dependence
                        1. More than 7 millions of people die each year for smoking
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