Food Chain


First Certificate of Cambridge Inglés Mind Map on Food Chain, created by Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero on 23/01/2018.
Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero
Mind Map by Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero
Created by Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero almost 7 years ago
Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero
Copied by Aranza Michelle Castro Rivero almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Food Chain
  1. The transfer of food energy between organisms
    1. Then a hervibore eats the plant and.......
      1. Then a carnivore that onlñy eats other animals eats the hervibore
        1. First a plant that produces energy is eaten by the hervibore
          1. At last the carnivore is eaten by the descomposers that they gets energy by breacking down the remainds of death organisms
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