Simple Machine


Mind Map of Simple Machine
Juan Jesús Castillo Valdivieso
Mind Map by Juan Jesús Castillo Valdivieso, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Jesús Castillo Valdivieso
Created by Juan Jesús Castillo Valdivieso about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Simple Machine
  1. Content


    • Mechanisms that transmit motion (the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw). ldentify simple mechanisms and explaining their functions. Constitution, function and applications of simple machines.  Law of the lever, momentum and gear ratio.  Law of conservation of energy.Design and construct models with different mechanisms.
    1. Communication


      • BICS The studients will communicate, both orallly and in writing. Use simple structures in the present simple. Use the passive voice in the present (it's formed,..) Foll CALP Lear the name of different types of machines an their parts. (the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. )Specific vocabulary. Use formulas and mathematic language. 
      1. Cognition


        • Following the steps of the lesson plan, the students work through the categories of Blooms taxonomy of learning behaviour.  The students use both LOTS and HOTS to complete the exercises. First list the differents names of the machines. Explains the operation of the machines. Solve problems. Construct machine models and analyze and evaluate the results.
        1. Competence


          •   Develop listening, writing and memorising skill. Develop their spatial skill by drawing the machines. Work co-operatively creating model in groupe. Develop logical-mathematic skill solving problems. Develop intrapersonal skill doing exercises by himself. Develop kinestatic skill making the models.  
          1. Community


            • - Create and share in the community (e.g. etwinning, youtube,...) a chart in wich explain how contruct simple machine and how work it.
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