Consiste en aplicación de
calor con un puro
denominado moxa hecho
de artemisa
Forma de
Produce cicatriz
Moxa sobre
la piel
Moxa con sal
Cigarro de moxa
calienta la piel sin
No produce cicatriz
Cono de moxa de ajo o
La moxa se coloca
sobre una aguja
Calienta y hace fluir los canales,
elimina la humedad y dispersa el
Activa la circulación
de la sangre
Tonifica la
enérgia del
Previene enfermedades y
refuerza la enérgia en
Se utilizan los
mismos principios
que en la
acupuntura pero
los efectos en la
moxibustión son
más rapidos
Moxibustion is a therapeutic
method of traditional Chinese
medicine that involves applying
heat by stimulating a series of
points in the body, which often
coincide with acupuncture points, in
order to heal disorders or diseases
and achieve the balance of
physiological functions. The word
'moxibustion' refers to the term
'cauterize', that is to say 'burn on a
surface with a previously heated
material'. The heat is produced
using the therapeutic properties of
the root of the Artemis plant,
which is pressed in the form of a
cigar or ground to powder to burn
it and which is called 'moxa'. This
therapy seeks to rebalance the
energy of the body based on the
theory of channels. According to
this concept, the body functions as
a network system where blood
and energy flow
intercommunicating each part of
the body, as well as the outer and
inner zones. Due to multiple
factors, both external (such as cold
or heat) and emotional, these
energies are unbalanced and
excesses or deficiencies.