

es masoterapia y descripcion de ella
Rada Ramirez
Mind Map by Rada Ramirez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by gricel.suayed.203758 over 9 years ago
Copied by gricel.suayed.203758 over 9 years ago
Rada Ramirez
Copied by Rada Ramirez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Una selección de masajes terapéuticos.
    1. arte técnica con movimientos armoniosos.
        1. Con ritmo ,intensidad, presión y tiempo
          1. roses afrontamiento compresión amasamiento.
      2. variedad de técnicas.
        1. métodos asiáticos.
          1. digitopuntura.
            1. presión digital
          2. integración estructural y postura.
            1. terapia de bowen
              1. manual con foque holístico.
            2. neuromusculares.
              1. reflexología.
                1. estimula puntos pies, manos,nariz u orejas.
              2. drenaje linfático.
                1. De vodder.
                  1. desplazar la linfa estancada
                2. métodos energéticos.
                  1. Reiki
                    1. energía universal, energía vital.
                  2. miofaciales y craneosacro.
                    1. restablecer los procesos naturales reequilibrio y curación del cuerpo.
                    2. cinesiología.
                      1. movimiento y disciplina.
                        1. cinesiología biomecanica
                          1. anatomía del musculo esquelética.
                            1. fisiología neuromuscular.
                          2. métodos integrados
                            1. bebés
                              1. prenatal
                                1. deportivo
                                2. estética y cosmética.
                                  1. facial.
                                    1. reductivo
                                      1. quiromasaje
                                        1. manipula piel y tejido adiposo
                                      2. aparatologia
                                        1. galvánica
                                          1. refresca y energizar la piel
                                      3. The masoterapia is, then, the sum of several manipulative techniques, and therefore there is no technique that defines the masoterapia proper, and then we explain the most used or known: The basic massage: this type of therapy is intended to promote the proper functioning of the circulatory system, with the benefit to the cells that this entails: rich supply of oxygen and nutrients, purge of waste elements, and so on. This effect is achieved through a combination of kneading, compressions, long and more or less deep slides, vibrations, stretching and contractions. Thus, muscle contractures and pains, the sensation of fatigue, or body heaviness are eliminated. Sports massage: as its name suggests, this form of massage therapy is indicated for practitioners of any type of sport. In this case emphasis is placed on the muscular system, as well as on the tendinous or ligamentous structures and their possible dysfunctions (tendonitis, fiber breaks, muscular strains, ligament tears, muscle
                                          1. AL RADAMES RAMIREZ DELGADO
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