Ing-T6: The World: FRANCE


Ing-T6: The World: France
Maika Lopez
Mind Map by Maika Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
Maika Lopez
Created by Maika Lopez almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Ing-T6: The World: FRANCE
  1. Flag (bandera)
    1. blue, white and red
    2. Continent
      1. Europe
      2. Capital
        1. Paris
          1. Monumento famoso
            1. Eiffel tower (Torre Eiffel)
        2. Sports (Deportes)
          1. Football (Futbol)
            1. cicling (ciclismo)
            2. inventions (Inventos)
              1. hot-air balloon (globo aerostático)
                1. parachute (paracaídas)
                2. School (escuela)
                  1. healthy foods (alimentos saludables)
                    1. 4 food groups (4 grupos de alimentos:)
                      1. Fruits and Vegetables (Frutas y vegetales)
                        1. Meat and fish (Carne y pescado)
                          1. Milk products (Productos lácteos)
                            1. Grains and cereals (Granos y cereales)
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