

Segundo Science Mind Map on Weather, created by Lucia Hernandez on 20/04/2018.
Lucia Hernandez
Mind Map by Lucia Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucia Hernandez
Created by Lucia Hernandez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. It refers to the daily conditions of the sky and the temperature in a place.
    1. SUNNY
      1. WINDY
        1. CLOUDY
          1. SNOWY
            1. FOGGY
              1. RAINY
                1. STORMY
                2. the weather of a place over a long period of time
                  1. CLIMATE
                    1. HOT OR COLD
                      1. DRY OR WET
                    2. We use different instruments to check the weather
                      1. thermometer
                        1. temperature
                        2. rain gauge
                          1. rainfall
                          2. wind vane
                            1. wind direction
                          3. ATMOSPHERE
                            1. It is the layers of gases that surround The Earth
                              1. troposphere
                                1. it´s next to The Earth. The weather happens there
                                2. stratosphere
                                  1. It protects from sun rays. The planes fly there
                                  2. mesosphere
                                    1. It is far from The Earth. It is very cold
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