The Interacting Spiral


Interacting Spiral by Stringer
brayan steven uribe bayona
Mind Map by brayan steven uribe bayona, updated more than 1 year ago
brayan steven uribe bayona
Created by brayan steven uribe bayona almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Interacting Spiral
  1. LOOK (Building the Picture)
    1. Its porpuse is to assist stakeholding groups in building a picture
      1. Communicating
        1. Gather information
          1. Record information
            1. Extend understanding
              1. Organizing meetings
            2. Think (Interpreting and Analyzing)
              1. Its porpuse is to distill the information gathered, identify elements of people’s experiences, and enable the participants to understand the way the issue affects their lives and activities
                1. Frameworks
                  1. Categorizing and coding
                    1. Analyzing key experiences
                      1. Writing reports collaboratively
                        1. Enriching analysis using frameworks
                          1. Presentations and performance
                        2. Act (Resolving Problems)
                          1. Its porpuse is to plan and implement practical solutions to problems
                            1. Planning
                              1. Reviewing
                                1. Implementing
                                  1. Evaluating
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