Valuation and dealmaking of
technology Group 212032_26
Jaime Salazar´s answer to
colaborative Question
When we talk about technological innovation and the different forms
of protection and negotiation of them, we find that these methods
give innovators the opportunity to protect their ideas and in the short
or long term, to negotiate them and obtain economic benefits that
they help the country's economic growth.
A model of social innovation is a model that can be adapted to countries like ours where it is possible to
put small models of innovation towards the vulnerable population. As an example we have the model
applied by the PUND (Program of United Nations for development) to fight poverty in Colombia that
applied three innovation models such as crowfounding, micro franchises and innovation campuses,
which were applied in different regions of the country with favorable results for the economic
strengthening of the most vulnerable. These models of social innovation have been important for the
economic development of vulnerable groups thanks to the participation of the different actors involved,
giving lessons and learning to the people involved.
In conclusion, it can be said that the technologies of protection and negotiation of ideas of innovation
are a great promoter for the economic development of the countries and it is necessary to adapt the
processes to countries like ours in order to extend the possibilities of growth both to the industrialized
sectors and to the vulnerable sectors of the economy in order to fight against the country's poverty.
How new technologies protection and negotiation
can hamper or promote development and poverty
eradication in undeveloped countries?