Age and Acquisition


Language acquisition and learning.
Carolina Rojas González
Mind Map by Carolina Rojas González, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina Rojas González
Created by Carolina Rojas González about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Age and Acquisition
    1. Neurobiological considerations
      1. Biological timetables (Scovel 1988)
        1. Birds
          1. Mammals
            1. Human being
            2. Hemispheric lateralization
              1. Scovel 1984
                1. Emerges at birth , is evident at 5 and is completed around puberty
              2. Right hemisphere participation
                1. Obler 1981
                  1. There is a significant participation in early stages of language learning
              3. Cognitive considerations
                1. Piaget 1972
                  1. Stages of intellectual development of a child:
                    1. Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2)
                      1. Preoperational stage (ages 2 to 7)
                        1. Operational stage (ages 7 to 16)
                    2. Affective considerations
                      1. Children- egocentricity
                        1. Adults- inhibition
                          1. PEER PRESURE
                            1. Adults tend to tolerate linguistics differences more than children, so errors are easily excused.
                        2. Linguistics considerations
                          1. Bilingualism
                            1. Code- switching
                            2. Interference between L1and L2
                              1. Solid foundation of L1
                              2. Order of acquisition
                                1. Creative constuction process
                            3. Myths
                              1. Children repeat things
                                1. Language learning is imitation
                                  1. First listening, then speaking
                                    1. Children don't translate
                                      1. Grammar is not necessary for children
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