
Derecho Mind Map on Untitled, created by Cristian Alemán Pacheco on 27/08/2018.
Cristian Alemán Pacheco
Mind Map by Cristian Alemán Pacheco, updated more than 1 year ago
Cristian Alemán Pacheco
Created by Cristian Alemán Pacheco over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. MORAL
    1. ETHIC
      1. similarity
        1. Correct or incorrect behavior of people at the individual or social level
          1. They Differ
            1. Rules Imposed by external source. Eg Codes, Protects individual
              1. Principles of Every Person About Good and Evil (preserves the group)
                1. Origin
                  1. Internal - Individual
                    1. External - Society
                      1. Definition
                        1. set of rules that the individual has clarified and adopted for himself
                          1. set of rules that society transmits from generation to generation
                            1. Etymology
                              1. from Latin MORES: costumbre
                                1. from Greek ETHOS: caracter
                                  1. Source of Principles
                                    1. standards of principles provided by the institutions to the culture, to which the individual belongs optional to accept them
                                      1. is directed by the last of a society, but it is imperative, the community is recognized as a whole, dictates the right or wrong and is the same for all
                                        1. Stability and Flexibility
                                          1. More consistency is usually recognized in all the possible social context, they are usually the same and immutable, some situations can change drastically
                                            1. Consistency in some contexts, may vary depending on each situation
                                              1. Conflicts in the professional field
                                                1. Moral, teaches us lawyer that a murder must always be punished
                                                  1. Ethics, asks the lawyer who defends his client despite knowing that he is responsible
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