Assessing Speaking


Assessing speaking accroding to Brown.
Luis Ruiz Figueroa
Mind Map by Luis Ruiz Figueroa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Luis Ruiz Figueroa
Created by Luis Ruiz Figueroa almost 8 years ago
Luis Ruiz Figueroa
Copied by Luis Ruiz Figueroa over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Assessing Speaking
  1. Types of Speaking
    1. Imitative
      1. The ability to imitate a word, phrase or sentence
        1. Activities
          1. Phone pass test
      2. Intensive
        1. Production of short stretches of oral language designed to demostrate competence.
          1. Axctivities
            1. Directed response tasks, read-aloud tasks, sentence or dialogue comprehension, picture cued tasks, translation.
        2. Responsive
          1. Responds to a spoken stimulus. It allows very limited interaction.
            1. Activities
              1. Question and answer, giving instructions and directions, paraphrasing, test of spoken English
          2. Interactive
            1. Allows longer and more complex interaction. It can be transactional(to exchange information) or interpersonal (to mantain social relationships)
              1. Activities
                1. Interview, Role play, conversations, games, oral proficiency interview
            2. Extensive
              1. Language style is is frequently more deliberative(planning is involved). It can be story-telling, oral presentations, etc.)
                1. Activities
                  1. Oral presentations, picture-cued story-telling, retelling a story, translations.
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