

what makes an identity
Nicole García
Mind Map by Nicole García, updated more than 1 year ago
Nicole García
Created by Nicole García about 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. language
      1. because it is the way in which people socialize with each other
      2. nationality
          1. because it is where you come from
          2. personality
              1. because it is the way you are, act an all your ideals
              2. values
                  1. what you believe in and defines your actions
                  2. family and friends
                      1. help you form your identity
                      2. appearance
                          1. the way you look and you have to accept yourself
                          2. Amanda was born in Argentina, so she speaks spanish, she is a very nice person, with a great imagination and a big temper, she believes in friendship and respect, her family is conformed by 5 brothers, she is the only girl, she is tall, green-eyed and brunette.
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