Gerunds after prepositions


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dahim michell calderon cuellar
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dahim michell calderon cuellar
Created by dahim michell calderon cuellar over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Gerunds after prepositions
  1. It is a verbal form that ends in ing, to form it only “ing” is added to the verb in its base form, examples: dance-dancing, eat-eating, run-running, etc. It can have different uses, but this topic will show its grammar after a preposition.
    1. In a sentence, a verb is always used in its gerund form after a preposition.
      1. Preposición + Verbo con terminación ing (gerundio) Ejemplos: I want to go to the beach before returning from vacation. Quiero ir a la playa antes de regresar de vacaciones.
        1. Carlos can pass the exam without studying. Carlos puede pasar el examen sin estudiar.
    2. In English, many examples are given with gerunds located after an adjective and a preposition, as well as after a verb and a preposition.
      1. verb + preposition (+ gerund) adjective + preposition (+ gerund)
        1. Ejemplos: Roberto is famous for playing basketball. Roberto es famoso por jugar basquetbol.
          1. I am tired of working a lot. Estoy cansada de trabajar mucho.
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