Noun Phrase (Sintagma Nominal)


Aquí encontraras un vista amplia de los Sintagmas Nominales.
Mind Map by M M, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by M M over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Noun Phrase (Sintagma Nominal)
  1. Es un sustantivo junto con todos sus modificadores
    1. conformado
      1. Modificadores previos al sustantivo
        1. Artículos


          1. Sustantivos posesivos


            1. Pronombres posesivos
              1. Adjetivos


                1. participio
                2. Modificadores posteriores al sustantivo
                  1. Frases prepositivas
                    1. Cláusulas adjetivas
                      1. Frases Participio
                        1. Infinitivos
                    2. Como lo reconocemos
                      1. Puedes reemplazar el sintagma nominal
                        1. por un pronombre en tercera persona
                          1. sujeto
                            1. he
                              1. A small boy who looked about five years old came into the room.
                                1. He came into the room.
                              2. she
                                1. My sister who goes to school here is getting her driver’s license.
                                  1. She is getting her driver’s license.
                                2. it
                                  1. The TV mounted in the back of the room suddenly went blank.
                                    1. It suddenly went blank.
                                  2. they
                                    1. All of the employees at my company belong to unions.
                                      1. They belong to unions.
                                  3. Objeto
                                    1. him
                                      1. Did you see a tall man dressed in a black jacket?
                                        1. Did you see him?
                                      2. her
                                        1. Bring a menu for the young lady seated over there.
                                          1. Bring a menu for her.
                                        2. it
                                          1. I didn’t get the last question on the exam.
                                            1. I didn’t get it.
                                          2. them
                                            1. Please ask all the people who are waiting in the hall to come in.
                                              1. Please ask them to come in.
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