kinds of drinks


Mind Map on kinds of drinks, created by Dylan Gabriel García Bear on 12/11/2018.
Dylan Gabriel García Bear
Mind Map by Dylan Gabriel García Bear, updated more than 1 year ago
Dylan Gabriel García Bear
Created by Dylan Gabriel García Bear about 6 years ago

Resource summary

kinds of drinks
  1. alcolic drinks
    1. alcolic drinks are drinks that contain alchol
    2. caloric drinks are any drinks that contain calories
      1. caloric drinks
      2. sports drinks
        1. sport drinks are drinks that people drink when doing sports
        2. juise
          1. juice is the liquid obtain from fruit and some vegetables
          2. soft drinks
            1. soft drink are drinks like sodas lemonade and flawered water
            2. juice
              1. caffenated drinks
                1. caffenated drinks are any that contain a substance called cafeine
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