All animals are divided into two big groups:
Vertebrates and Invertebrates
INVERTEBRATE: Are animals without a
There are many groups, divided based on their
body structures. Sponges, mollusks, arthropods,
insects, arachnids
Sponges: Simple organisms
Jelly fish, sea anemones
Mollusks: Soft body and
muscular foot.
Clams, snails
Arothropods: Largest group, live on
land and in water, have jointed legs,
they have exoskeleton, that is rigid
body that covers the outside of their
bodies, it doesn't grow
Inescts: Largest group of arthropods
Butterfly, ladybug
Arachnids: different kids of spiders
VERTEBRATES: Are animals with a
backbone inside their bodies,
called skeleton.
There are five groups of vetebrates:
mammals, birds, reptiles,
amphibians and fish
Mammals: Warm-blooded, hair
or fur, female nurse their young
dog, cat, bear, tiger
Birds: Can fly, covered with
feathers, warm-blooded, lay eggs
Woodpecker, flamingo,
hummingbird, eagle
Reptiles: Live on land, don't have
gills, lay eggs, body temperature
stays the same as around them
Snake, turtle, lizard,
Amphinians: Live in water and
then on land, smooth skin and lay
eggs in water
Frogs, toads, slamanders,
Fish: Live in water, breath with
gills, take oxygen form water.