The post Tax Profit or loss of discontinued operations
Post tax gain or loss recognised on the measurement to fair value. less cost to
sell or on disposal of assets or diposal groups constituting the discontinued
Profit or Loss
Key Questions answered
by a statement of
financial performance
Did the entity operate successfully over the reporting period by returning a profit
Profit = Total Revenue earned more than total expenses incurred
Did a Loss arise?
Loss= Total expenses
incurred more than
total revenue
statement of comprehensive income
required to be prepared by companies
according to statutory requirements
Three main types of statements
Statement of Comp
Income / Income
statement / Profit/loss
Basic in nature and
information. Its a
listing of the revenue
items and the expense
Funcional method
selling expenses
directly related to selling the product.
Admin expenses
directly related to managing business affairs
Finance expences
Are a result of a Business's finances
Miscellaneous expences
expences that do not fit into a particular category