Do Vs Make


Marleidis CANO OLMOS
Mind Map by Marleidis CANO OLMOS, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Blanco
Created by Andrea Blanco almost 8 years ago
Marleidis CANO OLMOS
Copied by Marleidis CANO OLMOS over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Do Vs Make
  1. In Spanish both verbs mean "hacer"
    1. Do
      1. Characteristics
        1. It refers to the action
          1. Actions of the brain
            1. Expresses routine tasks.
              1. It is used to talk about things in general
                1. Action
                2. Examples
                  1. do homework (Hacer los deberes)
                    1. do a job (Hacer una tarea)
                      1. do exercise (hacer ejercicio)
                        1. do shopping (hacer compras)
                          1. do exam (hacer un exámen)
                            1. do gymnastics (hacer gimnasia)
                            2. Important expressions
                              1. do good (hacer el bien)
                                1. do justice (hacer justicia)
                                  1. do harm (hacer daño)
                                    1. do research (investigar)
                                      1. do a favor (hacer un favor)
                                    2. Make
                                      1. Characteristics
                                        1. Result of the action
                                          1. It is used to express something you are building or creating
                                            1. Manufacture, elaborate or create
                                              1. Create an object
                                              2. Examples
                                                1. make breakfast (preparar el desayuno)
                                                  1. make furniture (hacer muebles)
                                                    1. make a dress (hacer un vestido)
                                                      1. make a cup of coffee (preparar una taza de cafe)
                                                      2. Important expressions
                                                        1. make money (hacer dinero)
                                                          1. make progress (progresar)
                                                            1. make demands on (exigir)
                                                              1. make a cancellation (cancelar)
                                                                1. make a comment (hacer un comentario)
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