The nervous system


Segundo Science (The senses) Mind Map on The nervous system, created by Lucia Hernandez on 04/12/2014.
Lucia Hernandez
Mind Map by Lucia Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucia Hernandez
Created by Lucia Hernandez almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The nervous system


  1. The senses
    1. Sight
      1. EYES
        1. Protection
          1. Eyelids
            1. Eyelashes
              1. Eyebrows
          2. Sight
            1. Pupil
              1. Iris
                1. Retina
        2. Taste
          1. TONGUE
            1. It has taste buds
              1. Identify tastes
                1. Sweet
                  1. Sour
                    1. Bitter
                      1. Salty
                2. Hearing
                  1. EARS
                    1. Outer ear
                      1. Middle ear
                        1. Inner ear
                          1. Cochlea
                          2. Eardrum
                            1. Three small bones
                          3. We hear sounds
                            1. Quiet
                              1. Low
                                1. Loud/Noisy
                        2. Smell
                          1. NOSE
                            1. Air goes through the nostrils
                              1. To the olfactory nerve
                          2. Touch
                            1. SKIN
                              1. It covers all the body
                                1. We can feel
                                  1. Hot/Cold
                                    1. Hard/Soft
                                      1. Smooth/Rough
                            2. They give us information about the world around us
                              1. They send the information through the NERVES to
                              2. The brain
                                1. Controls functions of the body
                                  1. breathing
                                    1. moving
                                      1. eating
                                        1. heart beating
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